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"i don't wanna go." i whined as sabrina and i made our way to physics class.

by the time we'd left the bathroom, the bell had already rung so we had to rush back to english class and grab our bags before going to the class i dreaded the most.

"you can't avoid her forever. she's your teacher for heaven's sake."

"i'll have to see her at detention anyway!" i exclaimed with a frown. "please bri, please let's just skip this one class."

"no. no way are we skipping. she saw us this morning and she'll definitely notice that we're gone. i am not getting in trouble for skipping class because of you." she said sternly as we finally reached the classroom.

"fine." i huffed as i walked inside, waving at conan who looked at my hand and gasped.

"what the hell happened to your hand?!" he asked in a state of panic and i looked at it before rolling my eyes.

"banged my fist against the table. i'm good though, bri helped me out." i responded and he nodded. and that's when i realized that he hadn't attended english.

"wait, where were you last period?" i asked him as i took my seat.

"oh right. miss alice had asked me to show the new kid around." he said and i nodded slowly.

i didn't know there was a new kid?

"well you missed a lot. miss alice yelled our ears off during the first half of the class because we wouldn't stop laughing about 'the ball poem'. everyone was so shocked when she yelled, i swear most of us thought she was possessed or something." sabrina spoke and i nodded with a slight laugh.

hearing a noise, i turned to face the front of the class right as the last person i wanted to see walked in. groaning lowly, i stood up along with the rest of the class to greet her.

"good morning class." she spoke as she looked at all of us, her gaze landing on me as she gave me a sweet smile.

but i only frowned at her and looked away, not in the mood to smile at her right now. "good morning miss." everyone dragged out before we took our seats.

i looked up to see miss eilish still looking at me, though her smile had been replaced with a confused frown. but she soon snapped out of it and realized that everyone was waiting for her to begin the lesson.

"alright," she cleared her throat and began. "last time we talked about refraction. who can tell me what refraction is?"

she looked around the class to see that no one was raising their hand to answer. so she decided to call someone out herself. "y/n."

i shot my head up as i stared at her, not really wanting to speak right now. but she just raised her eyebrows as she waited for me to answer.

i sighed as i stood up, refusing to meet her eyes as i chose to focus on the floor instead. "when light rays bounce back after striking a surface, it's called refraction."

miss eilish stared at me, bewildered as i sat back down. "honey, that's reflection." she stated softly and i couldn't even let the pet name sink in before growing panicked.

i answered a question wrong in front of the whole class.

that's it! time to pack my bags and move away somewhere far! maybe antarctica.

an embarrassed blush on my cheeks, i hung my head low as i took in deep breaths. i cannot believe i embarrassed myself like that in front of everyone.

miss eilish gave me a sympathetic smile before speaking. "that's okay. riley! why don't you answer?" she called out to my academic rival.

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