twenty eight

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conan snorted at my question. "why're you changing the topic?"

i gave him a blank stare. "were you the one who dropped off the anonymous tip about miss eilish and i?" i repeated my question more sternly this time.

but conan just rolled his eyes and shrugged. "so what if i did? you didn't get in any trouble anyway."

i looked down at the floor as i balled my fists, taking in deep breaths to calm myself. "conan lee gray, i swear to fucking god." i muttered under my breath.

"fine, yeah. i did. so what? how does it even matter? it's not like-" he cut himself off with an "ouch-" followed by a "what the fuck?!" as he held his cheek in pain and looked at me like i was insane.

i punched him.

i sighed as i let my hands rest by my sides, trying to control myself. because lord knows i wanted to punch him again.

"what the fuck did you do that for? what's wrong with you?!"

"what's wrong with me?!" i asked him with a scoff. "the real question is, what's wrong with you? you really went out of your way to tell the principal that miss eilish and i have a thing going on? when you don't even know if it's true?! what kind of a person does that, what kind of a person tries to get their best friend in trouble?"

conan scoffed at me as he shook his head, still holding his cheek in pain. "a person who wants payback, that's who."

"payba- conan." i emphasised. "i did not tell the entire school about you getting rejected! you know i'd never do that to you!"

"well then how did everyone find out?"

"maybe he told everyone! has that ever crossed your mind?" i said in a raised voice and conan fell silent immediately, his eyebrows furrowing like he was thinking of something.


"yeah, 'fuck' is right. i can't believe you didn't think, even for a second, that the guy who rejected you would tell people. are you really that stupid? did you really think i'd go around telling people, like i have nothing better to do?"

"y/n i- i'm sorry i-"

"no, no fuck you, conan. you really went out of your way to try and get me in trouble. and did you even think about miss eilish? she could've gone to jail because of your stupid lie!"

well maybe it wasn't actually a lie, but conan doesn't have to know that.

"i know, i know and i'm sorry, okay? i just- i thought-"

"no i don't care. okay? i don't fucking care! i can't believe you'd actually do something like that." i cut him off and stood up, grabbing my things before walking out of the classroom.

since the teacher hadn't come to class yet, i was able to storm out very dramatically as i made my way to the bathroom, sighing shakily as i pushed the door open and walked inside.

and of course i run into the last person i want to see.

i saw miss eilish washing her hands, turning to look at me at the sound of the door opening and closing. she furrowed her brows, tilting her head to the side as she turned off the tap.


why is she here? there's a seperate restroom for the teaching staff. why is she here?

i let out a shaky breath as i stuttered out a response. "um i- i'm sorry i didn't think- i'll go." i mumbled as i turned around, pulling the door open to leave.

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