twenty four

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my world stopped at her words and i froze, trying to understand if she was actually being serious. i squinted at her with my lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.

casual fling?

"i'm sorry, what?" i asked as i just stared at her. i felt my heart beating out of my chest as i took in shallow breaths, trying to stay calm. she's got to be joking. there's no way she's serious. "you thought this was just a fling?"

she blinked at me for a few seconds as we stood still. "well yeah." she muttered as she looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

i scoffed as i shook my head, unable to believe what i was hearing. just a causal fling.

of course i mean nothing to her.

i could feel the anger pulsing through my veins as i balled my fists, my breathing becoming ragged as i stared at her.

"so you thought you'd just have an affair with me and then fucking marry him?!" i raised my voice at her and she looked up at me with her eyebrows raised.

"mind your language, y/n. i'm still your teacher." she spoke sternly and i couldn't help but scoff at her.

"don't tell me to mind my fucking language! you sure as hell aren't acting like my teacher right now." i said and my eyes never left hers for even a second.

"y/n." she said in a warning tone and i gave her an unamused expression.

"miss eilish." i said back in the same tone and she closed her eyes as she let out a frustrated sigh. she ran her fingers through her hair before looking at me, her eyes half-lidded as she pursed her lips to the side.

"listen, i'm getting married." she began and i couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"i'm aware."

she opened her mouth as if to say something but then shut it immediately, seemingly deciding against it. i raised my eyebrows at her before shaking my head.

"i really don't get it. you were the one who said you liked me." i said and she let out a breathy sigh.


"how is this just a 'casual fling' when we clearly like each other? i mean, why can't we be more?" i asked and i could see she was mentally battling with herself.

"i- um," she stuttered, trying to find the right words. "i don't know. i- i'm getting married?" she said in a questioning tone like she wasn't sure what to say.

"well clearly if you feel the need to cheat on your fiancé, you should call off the engagement, don't you think?" i said in a 'duh' tone and she frowned at me with furrowed brows.

"no i- i can't. i love him.." she mumbled and i raised my eyebrows at her.

"love him?" i scoffed at her. "cannot believe i'm giving relationship advice to my teacher but i'm pretty sure that you don't cheat on someone you love, multiple times."

she shook her head at me before sighing softly. "i love him, okay? i know i do. he's the one."

"well if he's the one then why do you like me?" i asked her and her whole demeanor change at that question.

"well maybe i don't like you." she said quietly and my eyes grew wide, my lips parting slightly. "maybe i'm just confused."

"just confused- what?"

"yeah." she said, a bit more confident this time. "yeah, i'm just confused. i mean, why else would i be with you?"

it felt like i'd been stabbed by a million daggers upon hearing her say that. i let out a shaky breath as i looked at her, blinking a few times to try and register what she said.

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