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i gave miss eilish a quick smile before looking around the class room, letting out a sigh of relief when i noticed there were two other students in here. thank god i don't have to spend another hour alone with her.

i took my seat, this time right in front of miss eilish because i know she'll ask me to sit there anyway. no point in sitting at the very back and then moving all the way to the front like i did every other time.

funny how a week ago was my first time in detention and now it feels like i've spent my entire life here.

"so, detention again." miss eilish remarked and i slowly nodded, reaching for my bag as i took out my books. i should at least start working on my biology homework.

i tried to ignore the fact that miss eilish was basically staring at me the entire time, knowing there was no point in paying any attention to her. she's going to end up breaking my heart again anyway. no need to get my hopes up.

"do you need any help?" she asked quietly when she noticed i wasn't writing anything. i looked up at her and saw the way she was looking at me, knowing damn well ty hasn't received that look in a long time.

oh who am i kidding. fuck 'not getting my hopes up'. i want her.

"uh, yeah. that would be great." i said even though i was doing just fine. hell, i was acing this. but if this would let me talk to miss eilish, i'd be more than happy to lie about needing help.

"here, show me." she said as she stood up and walked over to me, bending down so that she could see clearer. she took my pencil as she began explaining the question while writing down important pointers here and there.

what i didn't expect was for her breasts to be in level with my face. so while i was supposed to be concentrating on whatever she was explaining, i ended up focusing my gaze on her boobs instead.

it's not like i wanted to look. i just couldn't help it.

okay maybe i wanted to look.

can you blame me though? this woman is unbelievably hot and the way she was towering over me just did something to me. i may or may not have my thighs squeezed shut as i just stared at her chest.

i snapped out of my daze when one of the other two students in the room called out to her. "miss eilish?"

she stood up straight as she turned around to face the girl who'd called out to her, raising her eyebrows. "yes, lou?"

"rachel is running a fever, i think. she's really sick." she said and i looked over at the girl curiously. truth be told, she did look super sick. definitely not like someone who was just trying to get out of detention so that's a surprise.

"oh." miss eilish said softly as she looked between both of them. "okay, lou why don't you take her to the front office and let her call her parents? it's not safe for her to be here any longer. she should go get some rest."

lou nodded as she led rachel out of the room, closing the door behind her. miss eilish sighed before going back to  whatever the fuck she was teaching earlier but my eyes of course stayed on her boobs the entire time. again.

my breath hitched when i felt her hand rest on my back, her other hand still scribbling something down with the pencil as i nodded, pretending to pay attention to whatever she was saying.

"and that's how you get a dihybrid cross. understood?" she asked and i nodded slowly, unable to tear my eyes away from her chest no matter how hard i tried.

i stopped breathing for a second when i felt her reach for my jaw and lift it upwards so that i was looking at her face. "my eyes are up here." she mumbled and i felt myself flushing out of embarrassment as a stuttered out a quick apology.

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