twenty two

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i stared at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out an answer to his question. "me? oh uh-" i took in a deep breath before blowing it out slowly. "nothing."

he raised his eyebrows and just looked at me. a long sigh leaving my lips, i quickly came up with a lie. "i was in class packing my bag."

"no you weren't." he said and i furrowed my brows.

"yes i was? i lost my pen so it took me a while." i replied and he shook his head.

"no i saw you in the hallways. you were walking towards miss eilish's office." he spoke before his eyes grew wide like he'd just realized something. "wait a minute,"

oh fuck.

"are you two hooking up?"

"what- i- we- no what?!" i sputtered out as i let out a very nervous laugh which made him narrow his eyes at me. "of- of course not! why would we be?"

"i don't know." he shrugged. "you did say you liked her and now that i think about it, your interactions have been awfully different from what they used to be before you liked her."

"whaaat?" i dragged out with another nervous chuckle as i shook my head. "no i- i mean, why would we be hooking up? she's our teacher."

"yeah well," he began with a click of his tongue. "she could go to jail for that so y'all better not be hooking up."

"what? no she can't go to jail."

"pretty sure she can." he shrugged before getting up and i looked at him, my face pale from hearing what he just said. "anyway um, i should probably get going."

he turned around to face me with a sigh. "thank you for..being here. for coming as soon as i called."

i gave him a slight smile before standing up as well. "of course." he gave me a quick hug before waving and walking away.

i stood there for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what the fuck i just heard. she can't possibly go to jail, right? yeah, conan doesn't know shit. she can't go to jail. not because of me.

definitely not.


"everyone's staring at me." conan remarked as we entered school. it was the next day and honestly, i've gotten over the whole 'miss eilish can go to jail' thing. sure, i was shaken up at first but we're not going to get caught. she won't go to jail.

i looked around as we walked down the halls and raised my eyebrows. when he says that, it's usually just him being dramatic and paranoid but this time they actually seemed to be whispering about him.

but of course, i wasn't going to tell him that. he's already feeling bad enough that the new kid rejected him. he doesn't need anything else to push him over the edge.

so i stayed quiet and instead glared at everyone who seemed to be talking about him which made most of them stop, thankfully.

we made our way to homeroom and took our seats as we greeted sabrina who was here early, as usual. we all indulged in friendly conversation until the bell rang, signalling that homeroom was about to start.

"good morning class." miss eilish walked in as she clutched her books to her chest, her eyes landing on mine immediately as she gave me her usual sweet smile.

i smiled back at her before dragging out a "good morning miss" with the rest of the class as everyone settled down.

i glanced to my side to see conan looking as sad as ever, his gaze on the floor as he chewed at the tip of his pencil while seemingly deep in thought.

i frowned at this, poking the side of his arm to get his attention. "hm?" he asked, refusing to meet my eyes as he continued staring at the floor.

"you okay?" i asked softly and he nodded slowly.

"yeah. just thinking about why people were whispering about me." he replied and my frown only got bigger.

"they weren't whispering about you-"

"you know damn well they were." he cut me off and i decided to just keep my mouth shut, knowing not to lie to him about this.

"no talking!" miss eilish spoke as she walked over to my desk, the two of us turning to face her. i watched as she licked her upper lip while looking at me, her eyes trailing all over my body before looking back into mine.

oh fuck me.

okay, okay. stay calm y/n. don't get all squirmy in front of everyone.

the smirk on her lips told me that she knew i was pressing my thighs together just by looking at her and she seemed pleased with herself. she then cleared her throat, trying to get back into her teaching mode. "what's so important that you had to talk when i was discussing something with the class?" her eyes were now on conan as she waited for him to answer.

i looked at cone before turning back to her, shaking my head. "it's nothing. we're sorry, miss ei-"

"did i say you could talk?" she snapped as she narrowed her eyes at me and i'd be lying if i said the way she was talking to me didn't cause a pool of heat between my legs. i gulped at the tone she was using, shaking my head hesitantly.

"do you want detention again?" she asked in an assertive tone as she placed her hands on my desk, leaning forward so that her eyes were on the same level as mine.

since she was leaning over, her breasts were practically on display to me. as hard as i tried i couldn't help but let my eyes drop down to her chest, my breath hitching quietly at the sight.

god save me.

i looked up from her breasts as my eyes landed on her lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss her right now.

she seemed to have noticed my gaze which made her shake her head as she tried hiding her smirk. "i asked you a question."

i didn't miss the slightly playful tone in her voice which suggested that if she did give me detention, it wasn't going to be your..regular detention.

i stared longingly at her and it took everything in me not to kiss her then and there. it certainly didn't help that we were so close in proximity.

"well," she began, grabbing a notepad as she scribbled something down. "since you don't want to respond to me.." she tore the piece of paper before looking at me while biting her lip.

she reached out to hand the detention slip with me, maintaing eye contact throughout as she brushed her fingers past mine while doing so.


she gave me a slight smirk before clearing her throat as she snapped out of it, shaking her head before going back to the front of her class.

i couldn't help but smile as i looked down at the detention slip before sliding it into my pocket, biting the inside of my cheek to keep myself from letting out a lovestruck giggle.

i turned my head to the side and my eyes landed on conan who was looking at me with a curious expression, his eyebrows raised and a glint in his eyes. "what was that?"

"what was what?" i asked nervously and he tilted his head to the side.

"that whole interaction."

"i don't- i don't know?" i laughed nervously and he shook his head.

"you're telling me that was a professional teacher-student interaction? no way in hell."


sabrina is opening for the era's tour omgifjeomob shut up i cried

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