twenty five

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panic surged through my veins at the contact and my eyes grew wide as i just stood still for a second, not knowing how to react. but soon enough, i pushed him away and stared at him with a disgusted look on my face.

he tilted his head to the side in confusion and took a step closer to me, reaching out to hold my waist. "what the fu-" i began, my hand on his chest to push him away but my eyes landed on the figure standing in the doorway at the other end of the room.

miss eilish.

she had her eyes wide and mouth agape so i'm guessing she saw us. i stared at her in horror as she mirrored my expression, seemingly beyond confused.

she then hesitantly backed away while maintaining eye contact before walking off quickly, clearly not wanting to stay any longer. i felt a sinking feeling in my chest as i replayed in my hear the look of hurt on her face and i finally pushed ander away, my eyes still wide from what happened mere seconds ago.

"what's wrong with you?" i asked him, my eyes meeting his as i felt anger pulse through my body.

but he only stared at me with furrowed brows, clearly not understanding what i was saying. "what do you mean-"

"why the fuck did you just kiss me?" i asked him, the frustration evident in my voice as i stared at him.

he continued giving me a confused expression which only pissed me off more and it certainly didn't help that i was already mad at miss eilish to begin with. "i mean, are you fucking insane?! you can't just go around kissing girls like that, the fuck?"

"y/n i-"

"shut the fuck up, will you?" i snapped and he went quiet immediately, clearly regretting his actions.

"sorry." he muttered as he hung his head low in shame.

"i swear to god ander, don't let that happen again." i said sternly as i tried calming my nerves and he nodded immediately, looking up at me.

"yeah." he said quickly before moving out of my way as i pushed past him and left the room.

i rushed down the halls as i tried finding miss eilish, knowing she probably thought i'd wanted to kiss ander when clearly, that was not the case. the look of sheer hurt and jealousy on her face flashed through my brain as i made my way to her office, hoping to find her there.

but i stopped in my tracks when realization hit me.

she obviously did not give a single fuck about my feelings when she called me a "casual fling". so why should i care about how she feels after seeing ander kiss me?

i turned on my heels before speed-walking to the cafeteria, knowing i'd find conan and sabrina there. my breathing was still slightly shallow as i walked inside, spotting bri and cone immediately as i trudged over to them.

"y/n?" sabrina asked, a little surprised. "i thought you had detention?"

"yeah." i took a seat next to conan, who i noticed had his head face first on the table. "i left." and before she could say anything, i pointed to conan and mouthed a quick "what happened?"

sabrina frowned at him before shrugging and conan still had his head down on the table, completely ignoring what was going on. i shook him slightly before whispering a quiet "are you okay?" but he paid no mind to it and just stayed in the same position.

what the fuck?

"conan? hey, what happened?" i asked a bit louder and patted him which made him sit up with his elbows resting on the table and chin in his palms.

sabrina and i looked at him, concerned, and he let out a long sigh.

"i found out why people were whispering about me this morning."


"what?" sabrina said quietly. "why were they whispering?"

i could see the tears falling down his cheeks which made me frown at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as i pulled him close. "because.." he began, his bottom lip quivering. "somebody told everyone that the new kid rejected me."

"what?" i asked immediately as i held him close, noticing how hard he was trying to not sob loudly. "who would do such a thing?"

"i don't know." he cried. "you're the only one i told. but now the whole school knows. it's so embarrassing."

i frowned as i hugged him tight, gently rubbing his back as i tried to get him to calm down. sabrina came over and sat down on his other side, trying to help me in calming him as well. she whispered sweet encouragements in his ear while he held on to me.

"i don't know how people found out." he choked out. "you're the only one who knew!"

i surely didn't tell anyone.

i sighed softly as i just held him, trying to give him some amount of comfort. and though it took a while, he somehow calmed down.


i heaved a deep sigh as i entered math class, taking a seat as i stared at nothing in particular. i can't stop thinking about what miss eilish told me. how i'm just a "casual fling" and how she's just "confused" because "why else would she like me".

i felt my eyes getting watery but i quickly shook my head, trying to distract myself in order to prevent myself from crying. i focused on the teacher who'd just entered, standing up to greet her along with the rest of the class before sitting back down.

then suddenly, the intercom sounded. "y/n y/l/n, please come to the principal's office."

my eyes grew wide and i almost choked on my own saliva at what i was hearing, the whole class turning to face me as my mind spiralled.

me? the principal's office?

my math teacher looked at me and nodded towards the door, signalling for me to go. so i stood up and with shaky legs, left the room as i made my way down the halls.

why the hell do i have to be at the principal's office? why does she want to see me? surely this can't be good.

or maybe she's calling me over to give me good news. personally congratulate me for whatever i did. yeah, that has to be it.


i took in a deep breath before blowing it out slowly as i reached the principal's office, lifting my hand to knock on the door.

i heard a faint "come in" and closed my eyes for a split second, bracing myself for what was about to come. whatever it is, it can't be that bad.

i slowly twisted the doorknob and peeped my head inside, the principal giving me a stare which made me walk in fully and close the door behind me.

"good afternoon miss-" i cut myself off when my eyes landed on her, my brain connecting the dots immediately. she was seated on a chair and she had a frightened look on her face as we made eye contact.

miss eilish.

oh fuck. i'm screwed.


reminder to stream "what was i made for?" since it is the most beautiful song to ever exist

i'm sorry it took me so long to update😭

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