twenty six

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"have a seat, y/n." the principal, miss sinclair, spoke and i cleared my throat as i slowly walked over and took a seat next to miss eilish.

i glanced over at miss eilish and noticed how anxious she seemed, her leg bouncing up and down as she bit her lip. i have to admit, it was awfully hard not to hold her hand and help her calm down.

i breathed out a deep breath as i turned my gaze back to miss sinclair, wondering if this really is about what i think it is.

but it can't possibly be? there's no way anyone knows about what happened between miss eilish and i. we were so secretive, no way in hell could anyone have found out.

or at least i hope so.

miss sinclair heaved a heavy sigh before adjusting her glasses and speaking. "i'm sure the two of you know why you've been called here."

i bit my lip nervously as i looked down at the floor, avoiding any sort of eye contact with either of them. from the corner of my eye i could see miss eilish open her mouth to say something but she closed it immediately, deciding against it.

miss sinclair sighed again. "this isn't going to be an easy conversation has come to my attention that there's something going on between the two of you."

my eyes stayed on the floor as i chewed on my bottom lip, hoping miss eilish would be the one to speak.

please convince her there's nothing going on.

"now i want you to be honest with me. is there anything going on between you two?"

i heard miss eilish sigh softly before speaking. "i can assure you, there's nothing going on between the two of us."

i looked up and noticed miss sinclair waiting for my confirmation. so i nodded. "she's right. there's nothing going on between us."

"we have a strictly professional teacher-student relationship." miss eilish stressed and i nodded, my eyes darting to her.

i would be lying if i said she didn't look hot as fuck, sitting there with her glasses while drumming her fingers on her thighs. at that moment, i forgot how mad and hurt i was because of her and the only thing i could focus on was the growing pit of arousal in my stomach.

but i soon snapped out of it when the principal spoke again. "are you sure? because if i find out that you're lying, you'll be in so much more trouble."

i gulped and looked at miss eilish but she seemed unfazed. "we're sure. she's my student, i'm her teacher. nothing is going on between us."

miss sinclair narrowed her eyes at us before sighing. "well, there's no reason for me not to believe you so just stay out of trouble. you can go now."

i was about to get up and leave but miss eilish spoke up. "wait, who told you that there's something going on between us, if you don't mind me asking."

i nodded slowly, realizing that we still had no idea how she found out. i watched as miss sinclair adjusted her glasses before speaking.

"anonymous tip from a student." she said as she cleared her throat and i looked at miss eilish. she looked at me as well and we both clearly shared the same "what the fuck?" expression.

who could it possibly be?


no, no. it can't be sabrina. she doesn't even know half the things that happened between us. and besides, she wouldn't tattle. she's not the type.


but who else can it be? who's someone who'd go out of their way to get miss eilish and i in trouble?


i mean, it makes sense, right? man is practically in love with me at this point and he's seen miss eilish and i together several times. what if he actually put two and two together and realized there's something going on between us?

maybe he's not as stupid as we thought..

i snapped out of my thoughts when i heard shuffling beside me and noticed miss eilish standing up, ready to leave. so i stood up too and walked out of the room, still trying to figure out if ander really could've pieced it together.

as soon as we walked out into the corridor, miss eilish interrupted my thoughts.

"hey, can we talk for a sec?"

i turned to face her and god knows how badly i wanted to kiss her then and there. her pretty blue eyes were so inviting and i just wanted to fall into her arms.

but..i remembered. i remembered how she called me a "casual affair". how she referred to me like i mean nothing to her. because i do. i do mean nothing to her.

so i quickly thought of an excuse. "um i- i have to get to class." i mumbled before turning around, ready to walk off.

"y/n wait." she said softly as she grabbed my hand, making me turn back around to face her. "please just come to my office. i just wanna talk."

i looked at her before sighing deeply and nodding hesitantly. she smiled sweetly at me before letting go of my arm and leading the way to her office.

she pushed the door open before letting me inside and she sat in her chair while i slowly sat down on the other side of her desk. i stared at the floor and avoided eye contact, knowing i'd probably fold on the spot just by looking at her. and i cannot afford any of that, not after what she told me earlier.

"oh come on. you won't even look at me?"

i didn't respond and instead kept my gaze on the floor as i tried to stay calm. i could feel myself wanting to cry by just being in her presence and the last thing i want to do is break down in front of her.

i heard her sigh softly as she tapped her fingers on her desk. "fine then." she mumbled before sighing again. "i just wanted to say that um-" she cut herself off with a deep breath.

i heard her let out a nervous chuckle as her tapping on the table became faster and i could tell she was trying to figure out how to say whatever she wanted to say.

"okay," she let out a sharp breath. "i know things are complicated right now but can we just go back to what it was like before anything ever happened?"

my eyes shot up to hers as i stared at her, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. first she tells me she likes me, then she calls me a casual affair, then she wants us to forget everything that happened between us?


i continued just giving her a confused expression which only made her sigh again. "we're better off as just teacher and student, don't you think? i mean, all these feelings and- and the fear of getting caught. it's just not worth it."

i felt a sinking feeling in my chest when she said those words. just not worth it. being with me isn't worth it. got it.

i let out a shaky breath as i looked back down at the floor and nodded slowly. "yeah. okay."

i could see her lips curve into a small smile from the corner of my eye. "great. thank you."

"mhm." i nodded before clearing my throat and standing up. i took a quick glance at her and noticed how she was staring at me before i turned around and walked out of her office, my head hanging low.

i'm not worth it.

i trudged over to my classroom with a heavy heart and sat down in my seat, sighing as i tried paying attention in class. but my mind couldn't help but wander.

how are things going to be between miss eilish and i now?

and more importantly, who told the principal about us?


hi i love you

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