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she gave me a smile as she nodded, gesturing for me to take a seat in front of her table. i did as told, patiently waiting for her to tell me what she wanted.

miss eilish and i have a good relationship. she treats me like a friend which is one thing i love about her. but still, i can't help but look at her nervously, wondering why i was asked to stay back.

"you seem nervous." she laughed and i felt myself going red, quickly looking away with an embarrassed smile. is it really that obvious?

"okay so i have a favour to ask." she began as she leaned on the table and i almost let my eyes drop to her chest again.

no. she's my teacher.

"i was hoping you could tutor ander." she said with a sigh and my eyes grew wide.

are you fucking kidding me.

"uh- ander?" i choked out, completely thrown off.

"yes uhm, from what i've observed he's always hanging out with you and he seems comfortable around you. and since he's on the verge of failing physics, i thought you tutoring him would help him out quite a bit?" she said in a questioning tone and i pursed my lips in thought for a second.

it's not like i could say no.

i let out a sigh as i nodded, closing my eyes for a split second. "sure. i can do that." i spoke and miss eilish gave me the sweetest smile - the sight itself almost made up for having to tutor ander.

"that's so great, i really appreciate it and i'm sure ander will too." she spoke and i gave her a nod before the two of us stood up.

we quickly smiled at each other before i walked out, making my way to my next class.

i took out my timetable and a groan escaped my lips when i realized what we have next. geography.

oh this teacher hates me. and the feeling sure as hell is mutual.

i dragged my feet as i made my way to class, tensing up when i realized the teacher had already begun the lesson. she is not going to let me off easy.

i stood at the doorway for a few seconds before slowly bringing my hand up to knock on the door, miss urla immediately snapping her head in my direction.

"y/n." she said and i let out a sigh before she spoke again. "you're late."

yeah no shit.

"sorry, miss eilish wanted-" i began, only for her to cut me off.

"no excuses, we all know that's a lie. stand outside for the rest of the class." she said and i rolled my eyes as she resumed teaching.

leaning against the doorframe, i looked over and conan and sabrina who were giving me sympathetic smiles. i just smiled back at them and mouthed an 'its okay' before turning my attention to the teacher.

"dams are constructed to obstruct the flow of water." miss urla read from the textbook. i don't even know why she's a teacher, all she does is read from the book. i'm sure all of us can do that by ourselves.

i huffed as i shifted on my feet, already sore from standing. this is going to be a long forty minutes.

i turned my head to the side when i heard footsteps approaching - miss eilish. she must be on her way to her next class.

as she walked towards me, she looked at me with a smile, her head tilted to the side. "y/n? why're you out here?" she asked softly as she stopped in front of me.

"uh, i was late to class and miss urla wouldn't believe me when i said you had asked to see me." i spoke nervously and she sighed.

"hold on." she said before knocking on door, miss urla stopping the class as she looked at miss eilish.

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