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i held my breath as i waited for her to continue, knowing this couldn't go well. i know what happened or rather, what was about to happen in the hallway was wrong. but i'm not the only one at fault here so i swear to god she better not yell at me.

"i'm sorry for pushing you off like that. it just happened. i don't know. i'm sorry." she looked at me with sincerity and i let out a sigh of relief.

thank god we're not talking about almost kissing not once, but twice.

"it's fine, i'm okay." i nodded and she gave me a sweet smile.

"and uhm," she began, looking down at the floor. "about the other thing. you know.." she trailed off before clearing her throat.

oh great we're talking about this.

"we kinda shared a moment." she whispered under her breath and i just stared at her while she kept her gaze on the floor.

"it was wrong." she spoke but her voice wasn't harsh like i expected it to be. instead, it was somewhat gentle.

i nodded slowly, knowing she was right. i hated it but she was right about this.

she sighed softly before running her fingers through her hair. turning to face me, she looked right at me before talking again. "we shouldn't have done..that."

since both of us were now looking at each other, we were super close in proximity considering the fact that we were sitting on a pretty small couch. i mean, our thighs were literally touching.

our faces were just a few inches away and i noticed her gaze slowly shifting to my lips. "you're my student." she whispered, my eyes flickering to her lips as well. "it's wrong." she said in the same tone as she leant closer.

"why does it feel so right then?" i asked softly as i leant in as well, our lips almost touching at this point.

she closed her eyes before taking in a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds before opening her eyes and breathing out. "damn it." she mumbled under her breath before leaning in further, closing the gap between us.

shocked at first, i soon snapped into reality as i began kissing back, miss eilish's hand coming up to cup my cheek. her other hand went around my waist as she securely held me in place while i tilted my head to the side and kissed her with more force.

i cannot believe this is happening. i'm actually kissing my teacher. the one who practically everyone simps for. oh my god, i'm living everyone's dream.

she squeezed my waist before pulling away, her hand resting on my cheek as we stared at each other.

"oh my god." i breathed out and she let out a soft chuckle before taking in a deep breath.

she brought her hand on my cheek down to my neck and tugged at my collar, pulling me in closer as she kissed me again.

this is wrong on so many levels and i'm well aware of it. but it's miss eilish. i'd quite literally do anything for this woman.

she brought the hand on my collar back up to my cheek as she tilted her head to the side, opening her mouth before taking my bottom lip in her mouth.

the minute we begun making out, the bell sounded which made miss eilish jump away as she stood up. i looked up at her from my seat on the couch and watched as she ran her fingers through her hair, looking down at the floor as she avoided eye contact.

"miss eilish-"

"you should get to class." she cut me off, walking up to her desk before grabbing her books. "you should probably leave a few minutes before i do so that people don't get the..wrong idea."

i furrowed my eyebrows at her, wondering where this was coming from. didn't she hold my hand all the way to her office? why did she suddenly not want us to be spotted together?

"i'll see you in class." she said with a nod, finally looking at me. i stared at her for a few seconds before sighing and standing up, making my way to the door.

"oh and uhm, don't tell anyone about this." she spoke and i nodded slowly before walking out.

holy shit. i just kissed my teacher. and i kinda liked it? i couldn't help but smile wide as i walked through the halls, certainly getting some weird looks from people because of how much i was smiling.

i get why miss eilish became weird once the bell rang. i mean, she's my teacher. it's against the rules. she'd definitely lose her job.

and she has a boyfriend..

i'm sure she'll break it off with him soon though. from what i noticed today, that man really gets on her nerves.

i walked into class to see most of my classmates already seated as i made my way over to conan and sabrina.

"what are you all smiley about?" conan asked with his eyebrow raised.

"nothing." i said all too quickly and sabrina looked at me curiously. her confused expression soon turned into a smirk when she realized how red i was, putting the pieces together.

"did you just get laid?"

"what?" i looked at sabrina with wide eyes. "no?!"

"oh okay." sabrina said nonchalantly as if she hadn't just asked me if i'd had sex with my teacher.

i huffed as i sat down in my seat right as miss eilish walked in. "good morning class."

"good morning miss." everyone dragged before taking their seats.

miss eilish's eyes scanned the room as she sat at her desk. however, they never seemed to land on me like they usually would.

weird. she's always looking at me and smiling.

"uhm, why don't i give you guys a free period." she said and everyone began cheering.

i raised my brows at her suggestion. she already let us do whatever we wanted during homeroom and now she's giving up her physics period too? was everything okay with her?

staring at her, my breath got caught in my throat when her eyes finally met mine. our eyes stayed locked and my thighs definitely stayed shut as i thought about what happened earlier.

but she broke eye contact and looked down at her desk, seemingly reading whatever book she had.

i turned around to face conan and sabrina who already seemed to be deep in conversation. "so they did it in the bathroom?" sabrina whisper-yelled to which conan nodded.

"yes!" conan responded in the same hushed tone.

"wait, who did it in who's bathroom?" i asked as i began paying attention to their conversation.

conan turned to face me as he explained. "sam and rainer. at ramona's party the other day."

conan somehow always seemed to know all of the gossip.

i nodded slowly. i guess sam and rainer made sense. poor ramona though. her bathroom must've reeked.

a few minutes later, i left to use the restroom. but i couldn't help but overhear the conversation between two teachers on my way back to class.

i hid in the corner and saw miss eilish and miss ruby conversing. the whole school knows that the two teachers are practically best friends.

i didn't mean to eavesdrop but i sure as hell am glad i did. i could only catch the end of their conversation but that was more than enough to get my spirits soaring.

"i think i'm falling out of love with ty.."


small chapter bare with me

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