Chapter 1, 'He's coming for you.'

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(Johnnys pov)

Johnny ran, he ran faster than he ever had before. He didn't take a second look behind him, he ignored the sound of screams and glass bottles breaking. He kept running.

He didn't know where he was going, where could he go? He didn't know anyone, he had only moved in  a week ago, and he didn't exactly get a chance to explore or meet friends before his father grounded him.

"Ooh run greaser, run!" He heard someone yell while laughing, he ignored it and kept running. When he finally stopped, he took in his surroundings. He bent down, putting his hands on his knees, taking a breath. That's when he noticed the blood and holes in his shirt and shoes.

He was on a tree lined street, seemed real nice to him. He was finally at peace, before he turned his head to the left, and saw five odd guys looking at him. They were sitting in some sort of lot, as Johnny had heard about off his parents. They had a small fire, bear and cancer sticks, once again, looked real nice to Johnny. 

They all stayed silent and looked at Johnny, Johnny looking back at them. He didn't move neither did they. He was about to say something, when he heard a yell, from a few yards away.

"Jonathon, get your ass back here!" Shit.

He looked behind him, so did the guys in the lot, who now seemed very interested and concerned about what was going on. A couple yards away, he saw his 'dearest' father, holding a broke bottle, running, well more so walking, towards him.

Johnny gave them one last look, before beginning to run again.

But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you.

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