Chapter 29, (somewhat) caught

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Disclaimer; I myself have never been in a relationship before (shocker, I know) so if this is totally unrealistic, you can't be mad because I made a disclaimer.

It was two o'clock.

So far Pony had (helped) made breakfast, got a boyfriend, tidied the living room and read a chapter of "Gone With The Wind". Very productive if you ask me.

His parents were out, and his brothers were with friends. The rest of the gang were probably at the dingo or something. The dingo had become a bit of a 'spot' for the group, since Pony's dad wasn't too keen on them going to Bucks, they began to hang out at the dingo. Pony liked it enough to go there once a week or so, though the rest of the gang seemed to love it there. Probably because of the music and waitress'.

"So.. what do you want to do today?" Johnny asked, the pair were sitting beside each other on the couch, Johnnys head on Pony's shoulder, and Pony's head on Johnnys.

"I don't mind, got anything you want to see around town?" Pony asked, Turing his gaze to Johnny from the TV. (He was starting at Johnny the entire time, he just didn't want the other to notice.)

"Not really actually." Johnny said with a laugh.

The two were afraid to talk about the elephant in the room, their new round relationship. Johnny was surprised Pony asked him and was still processing it, and Pony didn't want to make things awkward.

"We can stay here for a while then." Pony said with a smile and a red face, Johnny had the exact same look and smiled back.

"I'd like that."

The two cuddled together and continued to watch the film that was on television. It was some cowboy film.. maybe.. either way the main character was riding a bourse and was played by Matt Dillion, one of Pony's favourite actors. Pony liked the film, and Johnny was just fascinated with the TV quality, not really paying attention to the film itself.


"Okay, okay, I bet .. six bucks that they'll confess next week!"

"You really have no hope, do you Two-Bit?" Steve replied, "I bet a tenner that they're already together!" He continued.

Soda scribbled all the bets on a napkin. Himself, Darrel, Two-Bit and Steve were in the dingo sitting in their usual booth, making bets on Johnny and Ponyboy. Dallas left a while ago to have a cigarette, as the dingo had a rather strict no smoking rule, all thanks to Shepard's gang, who nearly gave half the staff a lung disease, they had since been banned with their beloved cancer sticks.

"I'm sorry but that in the name of his is that writing?" Darrel said with a sigh as he looked at Soda's writing.

"Z-E-V-E..? You spelled my name wrong!" Steve cried, he thought after all these years of knowing him, and kissing him, Soda would know how to spell his name, but no. He didn't.

"I tried my best Steve! You try writing all this stuff down!" Soda argued back. Steve only smiled.

"No, no, I'd never be able to take up such a responsibility." Steve laughed, Soda shoved him over and continues writing.

"Okay- so I've got Two-Bit, Steve and Darrel, only one left is Dallas-"

"Fifty bucks says their together right now, doing some sappy shit." Dallas' voice called. The gang looked over and saw him coming through the door. "Tim says hi." He mumbled while sitting back down, his cancer stick still in hand.

'That house isn't your home.' Ponyboy x JohnnyWhere stories live. Discover now