Chapter 30, sunsets

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"No I'm telling you- he hasn't been here in two days!" Mrs. Cade yelled at her husband, her arms in the air dramatically.

"Oh come on! Don't be stupid, I saw him last night for gods sake!" Mr. Cade argued back. While lighting up his cancer stick and sitting on the now smoked stained couch.

"No. What you saw last night was vodka, you idiot!" She yelled back, the reason why the two of them first met was because they were so alike. Neither of them wanted to back down to the other, which both caused them to argue a lot, but also stopped one from murdering the other, as they were the same. Both had too much anger, and too much passion. It worked. Well, it worked more when this were kids, as they got older they fell apart in more ways then they fell together.

"Why do you even care if he's here anyway?" Mr. Cade said back. He didn't yell this time. Mrs. Cade stood there for a moment. Why did she care?

In New York she'd yet Johnny go out for days when he was a child, and she didn't care. She wouldn't say hello when he'd come back with fresh bruises from the older kids after he'd stay a week in the park. Nor would she care when her husband beat him, hell, she didn't even care when she hit the kid for crying out load.

"I don't care, but the bloody Curtis' will! Go down to their house tomorrow and get them. Tomorrow morning. Tell 'em we were bust with work or something." She replied, not in a yell. It seemed as if the yelling match was over.

"Fine. I'll head down tomorrow and get him." Mr. Cade mumbled, much like Johnny did. He didn't know where the Curtis' lived,  but he didn't feel like taking to his wife any longer.


"So yous do the bet thing often?" Johnny asked. Him and Pony were sat down on one of the old, ripped leather car seats. Johnny didn't know why, but it felt familiar, like he'd lay there before. Now, he had sat there once, when he met the gang properly without Pony, but it felt as if he'd lay on the same seats for hours on end, days in a row. He brushed off the feeling and turned his attention to Pony, again.

"We kind of started it a year back." Pony shrugged, "Two-Bit is mad competitive, about anything, Steve loves to cheat, and he's good at it, and Soda just likes to win." He contend with a laugh.

"Look! Suns setting." Pony said with a smile, ear to ear really. Johnny looked over too. It really was a wonderful view.

Johnny didn't watch the sunset much, it was always blocked by buildings or cranes back in the city. But he tried to do so. "Do you watch the sunsets often, Pone?" Johnny smiled, Pony looked back at him and returned the soft smile.

"Almost every night actually."

Johnny hummed and looked back. Chances are that him and Pony had watched the sunset together a couple hundred times, just not together. Maybe not at the same exact time, but they watched them together. Both different lives, different backgrounds, yet they both found a sort of confront in the same thing, sunsets.

[Watching the sunset as I write this! Shoutout to anyone who's watching the sunset with me!!]

"We should probably head back soon." Pony whispered. The sun had set by now, and the sky was tiring darker and darker.

"Yeah, right." Johnny said back as the stood up, lending his hand to Pony as he stood up.

"You staying the night?" Pony said as the pair walked down the street, hoping he was. Johnny thought for a moment, what could one more night do? His folks didn't care either way, so why not?

"If I'm not a bother-"

"You are absolutely not a bother! I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend if you were." Pony reassured him. Johnny smiled at him, his face red as usual.

The two quickly made it back to the Curtis', right as Pony's parents arrived back.

The rest of the night consisted of boring TV, and holding each others hand under the blanket. They thought they were being secretive, but there was a reason why no one else sat on the couch, and why no one disturbed them for the night. In fact, most of the gang had gone back to there own placed by the time they got back, except for Steve, who was staying with Soda for the night.

The house was woken up by a bang of the door. Mr. Curtis "send" down his wife to answers it, as he was far too scared too. He hid under the blanket on there bed in fact.

"Who could possibly want to come in at this time!" Mrs. Curtis thought as she went down the stairs, her curlers still in her head. She barley had time to throw on her shirt and jeans before the bangs got louder.

As she got down the stairs, she saw Pony awake, looking out the window; and Johnny, who seemed as if he was trying to hide himself in plain sight.

"Oh Johnny, it's your parents I take?" She asked, just a wild guess. Johnny nodded his head. She sighed. She didn't want Johnny to have to leave so early, nor did she want him in a household that only waned to put him down.

"Alright." She put on her smile as she opened the door.

"Good morni-"

"Is Jonathon here?" He asked. He had knocked on three doors before he and gotten to the Curtis residents.

"Yes, he is. He'll be ready soon-"

"Now. He'll be ready now." He cut her off once more.

"I'll be back later." Johnny whispered to Pony, as he let go of the others hand and went toward the door.

"It was lovely having you Johnny, do make sure to say hello to your mother for me." She smiled.

Johnny smiled back, "I will, thank you-"

"Right come on." His father interpreted, as he walked away from the door and out to the street.

"Thank you." Johnny mumbled as he tried to catch up to his father.


Sorry this took so long!! But yeah! Anyway, again, this is more of a filler-in chapter, I'm sorry!

Have to say, sunsets are beautiful! I've began to watch them lately, and it's fascinating! I'd definitely recommend doing so, if you don't already!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, next one should be posted soon!!

Hope you all have or had a good day, and I wish you all the best !!

(Please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes.)

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