Chapter 15, Talking to the Curtis'

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"Oh come on, say one more thing!" Pony begged. 

"How aren't you bored by it yet Pony?" Johnny smiled, looking up at the slightly taller teen. Pony shrugged, making Johnny laugh. No one has ever liked his accents this much.

"Um.. what do you even want me to say?" Johnny laughed, he couldn't keep a serious face for more than a couple seconds. 

"Anything! There's only like three accents here, it's tuff to see any others." Pony smiled.

"Alright, That's boss, the whole bench racing is just boss." Johnny smiled, if anyone from Brooklyn heard him say this much 'slang' in one sentence he's sure he'd be beat up, his reputation back in Brooklyn was the Italian, not the 'Average New Yorker'.

"Woah.. wait, the word boss, I've heard that in the movies, it means cool, right?" Pony asked, while the pair walked onto the porch. 

"Spot on." Johnny laughed. It's been a while since someone was this interested in him- his accent, his accent. 

"Oh Pony, Johnny, wonderful you too are back." Mrs. Curtis smiled, she was sitting on the stairs, like she was waiting for them. 

Johnny's heart dropped. He knew he's been spending too much time around the Curtis', just like his father said. 

"Johnny, do you mind if I talk to you? Just for a minute?" She smiled, now Johnny was screwed. He's pushed too far, and he's ruined it. 

"Umm yeah, yeah sure." 

Pony looked at Johnny, his heart sank. He knew Johnny always had the look of a scared puppy, but now it was really showing in his big, black, shiny eyes. (I felt weird writing that)

Mrs. Curtis walked into the kitchen, Johnny followed behind, while Pony went upstairs to do his homework. Mr. Curtis was waiting in the kitchen. 

"So.. Johnny, mind taking a seat?" Mr. Curtis smiled, he was sitting at the table, with a chair across from him. Mrs. Curtis leaned on the counter-top. 

Johnny dropped his bag on the floor, and sat down, now he was panicking. He could feel the tears in his eyes, he was determined to not cry. He couldn't seem weak, he had to put on a brave face. 

"So, me and Maryanne were thinking.." Mr. Curtis said, he had the comforting smile that Johnny couldn't tell was genuine or not. 

"I'm sorry."

"What, dear you have nothing to be sorry about." Mrs. Curtis said, she had the same eyes as Pony, the eyes  that let you know that you were safe, you were home

"I-I don't..?" He muttered, too scared to talk up, he's been here before, parents try be to all nice, just to stab you in your back, it's what his parents did when they moved to America, that's all he remembered about moving. 

"We're just.. worried about your home life.." Mr. Curtis said, he looked like he was approaching a wild animal. "We've noticed a couple things about you and your parents." Johnny's eyes widened. 

"We're not going to tell anyone! But, we just want to know that you have a safe place to go too." Mrs. Curtis said, noticing how nervous and scared Johnny looked.  When she realised that Johnny didn't quite trust them, she needed to ease him in, let him know he's safe, "You don't have to tell us if you don't want too, but, if you could just tell us something about your parents maybe."  

"My father.. he.. he's the best! And my Mother, she's lovely, really I'm fine in my house." Johnny smiled. 'Don't seem suspicious' he told himself. 

"Alright dear, thank you. You can go up to Pony, get some homework done? I can write a letter to your teacher if you're not up to it." Mrs. Curtis smiled, Johnny nodded, grabbed his bag and went up the stairs. 

"There's  more to the story." Mr. Curtis muttered. "He's sixteen Mary, and he's the size of a ten year old.. and did you notice how he didn't say 'home', he said 'house', he doesn't have a home, that child has no home." Mr. Curtis was always  protective  over kids, it was something he started when he noticed how Steve and Dallas flinched at every movement when they were kids. 

"I know Mason, I know. But once he knows he's safe here, then maybe he'll open up."


2 chapter in a week?? Woah..

ANYWAY, guess what's about to start? Johnny x Pony stuff! If i could use the 'cool' emoji right now, I would but I don't know how to do that!

Anyways, I made a one-shot book for funsies, so if you overly want to see a scenario that doesn't work with this story line, 'check it out' as all those car sellers say on their adds. I swear this isn't to promote the one-shots I just thought I'd bring it up!

Hope you have a good day or night, or different time!

(If you find any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, pretend you didn't)

'That house isn't your home.' Ponyboy x JohnnyWhere stories live. Discover now