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First of all, my sincere apologies for not posting, my phone was broke and I couldn't remember my password to use on my laptop or anything like that, but now I have got my phone back so all is mildly good!

Secondly, I am basically thinking of rewriting this but making is slightly faster paced, and make sure I can remember the dates/days since obviously they matter in the story for school etc. The new version will have basically the same characters, dynamics, problems and events, but written in a newer way, since my new writing style is, give or take, darker than my old one, and English class in school has just really helped me since my teacher is just amazing and has helped me so much with writing and finding better ways to phrase things etc, my old English teacher was just way worse so I probably should've known all this previously, but we're not dwelling on this! Writing this again also ensures that all the Italian is correct, and not just half done by Google translate!

Thirdly, I have written another story called 'Diner In Tusla', it was also abandoned unfortunately, but if you have read that or even read the description, the writing is way more descriptive and actually makes a thousand word chapter interesting, instead of just repeating the same things.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for all the support, and I will have an update soon with my decision to either keep this going or start fresh, feedback will be appreciated!!

Hope you all are keeping well, and wish you all luck with summer exams !!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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