Chapter 19, victory at last

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"So, where's the fifty bucks ya promised me?" Two-Bit whispered, him and Dallas had a bet on who would win, Dallas bet fifty-dollars on the kid with auburn hair, who ended up coming second.

"Two-Bit, ya get it, when you get it." Dallas whispered-yelled back. He didn't think Pony would win- he knew Pony was a good runner, sure, but he didn't think he would manage to win, after all the packs he smokes? Not a chance! Yet somehow, he pulled through and won.

"And you can't take the money from Buck again!" Two-Bit said back, it was true, Dallas had the tendency to 'borrow' money from the bar-owner, and 'forgetting' to pay him back.

"Shame you'll never know whose money it is." Dallas mumbled, before lighting a cigarette and whispering something to Steve, who laughed in return.

"Hey we're gonna head out! We'll be over for dinner!" Two-bit called, Mrs. Curtis nodded her head and smiled, then Dallas, Two and Steve left. Darrel went to go get popcorn from the stalls, that were meant for the horse-racing, but must of opened up too early.

"So.. has Pony said anything to either of you? About Johnny." Mrs. Curtis asked, she was directing it at Soda, as him and Pony were that bit closer than him and Darrel. Soda thought for a moment, so did Darrel, except Darrel was thinking about whether or not he forgot his house keys at work.

"Um.. no, I don't believe so. I mean, he talks about him I suppose, but nothing that he doesn't say to everyone else." Soda shrugged.

"Alright, thanks Soddy." (BOOM that's right, Pony and Soddy!)

"There they are." Darrel said, while looking into the, now smaller, crowd of people, and low and behold, there was Pony and Johnny. Mrs. Curtis smiled, it's been a while since she's seen her youngest boy happy like this, ever since that Cherry girl, he's been off. It wasn't like he was always sad, but he sort of lost his spark in his eyes, as dramatic as it sounded, he wasn't like Pony.

"Darrel, you go grab them. I'm not ready to see Mrs. Williams again, she's after your father." Mrs. Curtis mumbled, Soda tried to hide back laughter, Darrel on the other hand, openly laughed, before walking over to meet Pony and Johnny.

"So, do ya think Johnny will stay for dinner? Or do you think his parents will drag him back to their house."Soda mumbled, just loud enough for his mother to hear.

"What. Soda. What are you talking about?" Mrs. Curtis said, while panicking.

"Mum, I may be oblivious, but I'm not that oblivious." Soda said, his grin slowly fading.

"You can't tell Pony, please Soda-"

"Hey mum!" Pony smiled, Mrs. Curtis turned her head, to see Pony walking towards them, while Darrel and Johnny were talking a bit behind him.

"Hey Pony!" Soda said, his grin was back in seconds, this both impressed and scared his mother.

"Hey Pone.." Mrs. Curtis said, her eyes were still glued to Soda.

"Where's the rest of the gang?" Pony asked.

"Oh! Buck was having some 'half off all drinks' with lunch, I'd guess they were going there." Darrel replied.

"They'll be over for dinner, speaking of that, Johnny, do you care to stay." Mrs. Curtis said, she had a warm smile on her face, she knew she had to be that bit softer with Johnny, it was the same smile she used to use with Dallas, back before he could defend himself. He was a kid then, and he still was a kid now, but he was tougher, or 'tuff' as the boys would say.

"Oh.. um i'd say my mother would want me home, but thank you." Johnny said back, he had the 'lost puppy' look, he almost looked scared.

"Alright, make sure to pop in tomorrow, it's pizza night." She smiled, 'pizza night' was a thing that she made up when the kids were younger, it was something that every greaser ate, so everyone would have at least one warm dinner they liked a week.

After a couple minutes of Pony rambling about the race, and Johnny getting the basket off Mrs. Williams, they left to walk home. Once they learned that Johnny's Mother had left, he decided to stay for lunch.


[Back Home]

"Johnny you okay?" Pony asked, once they arrived back at the Curtis' house. Pony realised that Johnny hadn't really said anything, like less than usual.

"Oh yeah Pony- I'm fine! Just thinking." Johnny smiled back, in reality he was thinking about a certain horse-man.

"Alrighty Johnnycakes, don't be thinking for too long, it's my victory at last!" Pony laughed back. The two of them walked into the house, a bit behind the others.

They both sat on the couch, and watched some 'Mickey mouse' show, that Soda had put on when he got back.

For a moment, Johnny felt like he was home, not in some house. Of course, after a couple minutes, he did have to leave, as he didn't want his parents to be more mad than usual. He said a goodbye to Pony, and Mrs. Curtis, and off he went. Back to his house, not his home.

Wowza i finally posted!! I was busy making friends 😎 and forgot to update!

Anyhow: hope you enjoyed!! New chapter should be posted by Wednesday if not sooner!!

Hope you all have a good day or night, or different time as time zones are lit :)

(Ignore all grammar and/or spelling mistakes!!)

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