Chapter 31, a truth long awaiteted

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Just learned that my first period in school for most days is maths <\3

"Johnny doesn't ... Johnny doesn't have a good relationship with his folks, does he?" Pony asked. He kept his gaze to the ground as his mother walked back into the house and closed the door.

"No Pony, he doesn't at all." Mrs. Curtis replied in the same tone.

"How come he can't stay with us? He clearly doesn't want to go back!" Pony said, this time he had more volume in his voice, not quite a yell, and looked at his mum.

"Just let me sort it out. I promise you, he won't be stuck in that house for long." She said back, a faint smile across her face.

Pony smiled back.

Mrs. Curtis was walking back up the stairs, to calm down her husband, when Pony hugged her.

She turned around, in shock. She smiled nonetheless. Who knew her fifteen year old son would still want a hug?

"Thank you." Pony whispered.


"I'm sorry-"

"No! You do not get to be sorry, you've been gone for two days Jonathan!" His father spat back. "Your mother was worried sick!"

That was a lie. His mother didn't care. He knew that. Johnny may not talk too much, but he hears a lot. Already he knows that Soda likes Steve, he listens.

"I'm sorry." Johnny mumbled back. It was barely heard, but when his father stopped talking, he was sure that he heard.

They arrived back at the old house, Mr. Cade pulling him by the arm so he couldn't run off again.

"Look who's back." Mrs. Cade yelled as she came down the stairs.

"You would think that after all we've done for you, you'd learn to appreciate it! But no, you have to run off like the brat you are." She continued, while making the movement of whipping away a tear that wasn't even there.

"And you have the balls to say sorry? After all you've done." His father sighs.

"Go, get out of our faces! Go to your room or whatever." His mother says, while gesturing him to leave by moving her arms.

"I was out your faces at the Curtis'." Johnny mumbled back, and he began to walk back to his room.

"What was that?" His mother asked, the fake tone was long gone by now. Now she just stood at the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide. His father matched her stance, expect he looked more angry than shocked.

"I-I didn't say anything!" Johnny cried back.

"I'll let this one go- but you aren't leaving this house for a week!" His mother yelled back.

"You've gone soft.. two weeks!" His father yelled again.

Johnny only frowned and continued to walk to his room. He didn't look back, he didn't bother to see his fathers annoying grin he used when he knew he got his way.

"Wait, Jonathan!" His mother called. Johnny turned his head, for a second he thought that she was apologising, taking back what she had previously said.

"Make dinner tonight, will you?" He frowned in response. Who was he kidding? Of course she wasn't going to apologise. Why would she?


"I'm telling you Mason, he was scared." Mrs. Curtis frowned.

"I know, love." Her husband replied, a frown on his face, "I think you should tell Pony about it, maybe then he can talk to Johnny. He'll trust Pony more than us."

"Pony knows. Or at least he's figuring it out." Mrs. Curtis sighed.

"That's fine, better he knows-"

"Knows what?" Pony asked. He didn't mean to ease-drop, really, he didn't, but he could help to when he heard Johnnys name. [I have no idea if there phrased right.]

"Listen Pony, I don't want you saying any of this to no one, it's not their business but I think you should know, since you and Johnny are real close." His father said, Pony almost laughed. Yeah, they were 'real close'.

"Alright.." Pony replied, truth is, he already knew what his parents were going to tell him. If not, he had a pretty good idea of what he was about to be told.

"Right well, me and your father aren't too convinced that Johnnys home life is too good-"

"His folks beat him. Don't they?" Pony interrupted. His parents looked at him, almost wide eyed. "He had a bruise on his back, looked like he got hit hard." Pony continued.

"He can't stay in that house, he needs a home." Pony mumbled. His parents looked at him, this time with more sadness.

"Well I guess that answers our questions. Look Pone, we can't be for sure but there's more going on than Johnnys letting on." Mr. Curtis said, "if you could ask him about it sometime, or at least let him know that he can stay here if he needs it."

"Yeah, of course. I'll tell him tomorrow, I was planning on inviting him out tomorrow anyway." Pony replied .

"Right, right. We were going to tell you but I suppose you heard first." Mrs. Curtis said with a slight laugh."

"How come it's him?" Pony said, his head hung low and his voice was just bland.

"What do you mean, Pone?"

"How come it's him who has to deal with all that? He don't deserve none of it!"

"I know Pony, but listen, he'll be okay." Mrs. Curtis reassured, while taking Pony's hand in hers.

"It'll be alright."


This took way too long to write! Also I'd like to apologies, this story is on chapter 31! I did not think it would get this far, my first plan was to get this whole thing finished before chapter 20, but that just didn't work out!

But with all that said, I hope you enjoyed! I know I enjoyed writing this while crying over the fact that maths is my first period in school for 3/4 of the week!

Hope schools going well for you all, and I hope you all have or had a good day!!

(Please ignore all spelling or grammar mistakes!)

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