Chapter 28, Bliss

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Can't believe this got posted so soon lol, but I'd like to say that this chapter takes place in a Sunday, next chapter will be in school then! Ngl I kind of forgot about the who school thing until now!

Anyway, hope you enjoy!!

Johnny woke up with the sun hitting his face. The curtains clearly weren't closed.

He sat up a little and took in his surroundings. He wasn't in his house, he was home. He was laying in the couch, Pony in the same position behind him. Guess they fell asleep while chatting.

The TV was turned off, so someone was woken up by it last night and came down to turn it off, Johnny guessed anyway.

Johnny didn't move from where he was. Sure, he could've got up and walked to his house, he could've made breakfast, but he didn't. He stayed where he was. One could be mistaken for him being frozen in fear, yet he wasn't. He was frozen in bliss. Happiness. Calmness? Whatever you'd like to call it, he was calm.

A few minutes had passed, when he  felt someone move beside him, turning over. Pony had woken up, correction, Pony was waking up.

"Morning' Johnnycakes." He mumbled, while rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Pony." Johnny smiled. Pony's hair was a mess, to say the least. His hair was sticking out in all directions.

Johnny laughed a little. "What's so funny, cake?" Pony asked, an oddly serious expression coming across his face.

"Nothing, nothing Pony." Johnny laughed a little more. "Just eh, look in the mirror, would 'ya?" Johnny asked, trying to contain his laughter as the other looked at him confused.

Pony was still confused two minutes later, and hadn't moved from his position. His arm was still around Johnny and the pair were stilling laying together on the couch that was a smidge too small.

"Ohhh. Oh. You don't want to see my natural beauty in the morning? You want me to dress up, I see how it is." Pony said with a fake huff, Johnny only (chuckled/giggled). [I hate those words, you can choose 😍]

"Yes, that is how it is." Johnny replied, a smile still plastered across his face.

"My goodness Johnathan." Pony laughed.

Johnny only shoved a stained pillow in the others face, messing up his hair even more. Johnny had to say, Pony could pull it off.

"You little shit-"

"Who are you calling little!?" Johnny shot back. Trying to not laugh.

"Hmm I wonder!" Pony said back, laughing in the process.

"At least I'm not lanky!"

"That's crossing a line!" Johnny burst out laughing by then.

"My sincere apologies."

"Your sincere apology is accepted."

"Very well." Johnny replied while standing up, Pony internally cried at the lost, but looked at the other with a blank expression.

"Come on, let's make breakfast." Johnny replied, while holding out a hand for pony to take, to which pony gladly did. The two walked into the kitchen hand it hand, until Johnny let go and looked in the fridge.

"How about eggs? And do you keep eggs in the fridge?" Johnny asked, while taking the pack out.

"I'd love eggs, and Soda swears they taste better if their stored in the fridge." Pony shrugged.

"BECAUSE THEY DO!" The pair heard a voice yell, Johnny jumper more than Pony thought he should of with the yell, he mentally noted that, he was too sure why but it felt odd. Considering he had met Johnny when, who he presumed was his old man, was chasing him down the road. He never thought too hard about that after that night, he was too caught up in other things to think about it. He'd ask him mum about it later, he thought, she always had an answers to most questions.

"No, they don't, they taste the exact same!" Pony said back.

"I'd have to agree with that." Johnny said back, he's never ate an egg that was kept in the fridge, but surly I couldn't taste that different.

"Haters. You guys are haters!" Soda cried, while walking back towards the stairs.

"Um.. anyway.. I'm sorry about him." Pony sighed.

"It's alright." Johnny laughed a little, still processing what had happened.


Now it was just Johnny and Pony sitting at the table. They had finished breakfast, and were just chatting like the new usual, I suppose.

Mrs. Curtis had gone out to the town with Mr. Curtis, and the gang were god knows where the rest of them went.

"Johnny, I.. um.. I think we shouldn't talk about something."

Johnnys heart sunk. What could it be? Why was it happening now? What happened to bliss?

"What is it, Pony?" He said, trying his best not to look as nervous as he was.

"When I walked you home .. and we, you know, i.. I thought it was something more than a kiss.. and I was wondering, IF YOU'RE OKAY WITH IT, if you wanted to um date ..?" Pony rambled, he said all those words within a second, Johnny was sure of it. He didn't hear the entire thing, but he knew was he was asking, and he was delighted that he asked.

They say there now, both their faces bright red.

It took Johnny a second to find his words, "I'd love too." Johnny smiled, Pony's face lit up!

Ponyboy practically jumped up, scrambled over to Johnny and hugged him as the other stood up.

The two stood there in each others arms, until Pony slightly pulled away and looked at Johnny.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, face as red as the inside of a watermelon, the author is trying to be creative here.

"Please do." Johnny smiled.

Bliss, he could get used to that.


Omg this actually got finished fairly fast!! I have to say, I am fairly pleased with how this ended up coming together! The next chapters (there will be more!) will consist of mainly cute stuff with Pony and Johnny, and the rest of the gang because they all deserve better!!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hoped you enjoyed it!

Also thank you for all the comments, they make my day 😭

Hope you all have or had a good day!!

(Please ignore all grammar and spelling mistakes!)

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