Chapter 10, Staying the night at home

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Pony and Johnny walked  back to the Curtis' house in comfortable silence, but silence none the less. Pony still had Johnny's shaky hand in his, Johnny just presumed he forgot, Pony seemed like someone who would forget things like that, things that are obvious to most, but not him. He also seemed like someone who would pick up on things that most don't, he'd realise things that others kick under the rug. Johnny liked him, he thought he was cool, nothing like anyone he's ever met. 

They arrived at the Curtis' house a couple moments later, Pony let go of Johnny's hand and opened the door, letting Johnny in first. What a gentleman!  

"Back so soon? Could've sworn Two-Bit would've- oh." Darrel said. Now Johnny was panicking, he said oh! Will he be kicked out-

"Johnny's folks were.. well you can connect the dots.. so.. can he stay here tonight?" Pony asked, a smile growing across his face. 

"Sure, whatever you need Johnny, just make sure to get your school bag and books, tomorrow is your first day." Darrel smiled back, Mrs. Curtis told him about Johnny joining Pony and Soda's school, as she had a feeling Darrel would be dropping him to school quite often, guess she was right. 

"Oh yeah.." Johnny muttered, clearly forgetting about school. 

"Pony, why don't you and Johnny run by his house before school tomorrow, wake up early." Darrel replied, while heading back into the kitchen to try and find the number for the pizza delivery. 

"Alright, so.. wanna watch a movie?" Pony asked, lightning the mood. 

"Sure." Johnny replied. 

An hour and a bit had passed, they had just finished 'The Sword In The Stone', sure, it was a kids film, but there was nothing else on. Johnny enjoyed it, Pony was slightly confused by it, but he didn't put much thought into it. Pony wasn't paying attention to most of the film, he was busy thinking about Johnny's folks, and how 'nice' they seemed when they went to visit, sure they weren't the best, but they seemed basically harmless. 

Pony was stuck in thought, before he felt something on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Johnny, he was asleep. Huh.

What is he supposed to do now!? Johnny was asleep, Jesus Christ he looked really young when he slept, looked even younger than he does now! Pony, stay focused, he thought to himself. Darrel had headed upstairs a while ago, he was asleep for sure, his parents wouldn't be back, as they never drove on the road on the east side at night, too many drunk drivers, so they'd stay the night at some motel in the area, and Soda was probably at Steve's house. 

What does he do now? Wake Johnny? No he'd jump off a cliff before he disturbed his sleeping crus- friend. Leave and head up stairs like normal? Hell no, what would Johnny do if someone like Tim thought they'd stay the night! The only thing left to do was wait until sleep took him over. 

This was going to be a long night.. 



WOW! Short chapter today, there wasn't too much I could expand on unfortunately.

Sorry for the short notes!!

Hope you have a good day or night.. or diffrent time..

(If you find a mistake,, you didn't.) 

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