Chapter 8, Meeting the Curtis' (Sort of)

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"Here," Pony smiled, handing Johnny the pack of nerds. 

The two were in the Curtis' living room, watching Mickey mouse, for whatever reason. Johnny had met Soda, even got to know him a little before he went out with his friend Steve, who Johnny had learned, him and Pony hate each other. Pony didn't say the reason, Johnny just presumed it was in more of a comedic way than a serious way. 

" We're home!" Johnny heard someone call, he turned his head and saw a young man and a not so young man.. 

"Hi sweetie!" Mrs. Curtis called from the kitchen. 

"hey dad.. Darrel." Pony said, confusing Johnny by how his tone changed, but he chose to ignore it. 

"Oh come on Pone, you can't still be mad at me, it was one slice of cake." Darrel said with a smile. He looked to be twenty, maybe twenty one.

"Darrel, we all know I called dibs." Pony replied, keeping his gaze between Johnny, and the TV.  Darrel laughed a bit. 

"Boys, boys, we can agree to disagree?" Mr. Curtis said, Johnny could hear the laughter in his voice, though, he was trying to seem more stern, making Johnny let out a small laugh. Mr. Curtis now realised the tanned boy in the room. 

"Pony." He said sternly, now Johnny regretted laughing. "Why didn't you introduce us to your little friend sooner!" He said, now smiling. Johnny sighed in relief, choosing to ignore the 'little' part of his sentence. 

"Oh! This is Johnny." Pony said with a smile, looking like a kid in a candy store. 

"Hello, Mr. Curtis." Johnny smiled nervously. 

"Oh please, no need to be formal! Call me Mason." (Reference from Tex??) .

"He's Mr. and Mrs. Cade's son, they just moved down the street." Maryanne replied, walking out of the kitchen. 

"Oh." Mason replied. He and Maryanne had their suspicions about the Cade parents, after they heard all of the  bottles breaking, and the screams. Dallas, Soda's friend, had told them he heard the father and mother having a whole screaming match one night, he even saw who he didn't yet know was Johnny, sitting on the porch steps, looking real beat up, of course, Dallas thought he was seeing things, thanks to the alcohol, and kept walking, only to tell Maryanne at Sunday dinner. 

Johnny took a look at the old grandfather clock in the living room, it was half seven, he's usually expected home at half six. 

"Oh um it was lovely meeting you all- but I've- I've gotta get going." He said in a panicked voice. 

"Oh dear, is everything alright?" Maryanne asked, with a concerned look that her and Mason shared. 

"Oh yeah I'm fine! It's just that i'm expected home by half six." Johnny said, still panicked. He didn't know why he was sharing this, he did that when he panicked. 

"Oh my, I could call your mother so she knows why-" 

"Thank you, but it's alright. I'm the one who was late anyway." Johnny said with a smile, still having the almost scared look in his eyes. 

"Alright then, bye Johnny." She smiled. 

"Bye Mrs. Curtis , see ya around Pony." He smiled, he said goodbye to Darrel and Mr. Curtis, and let himself out. 

"Um Maryanne, can i have a word with you?" Mr. curtis asked. 

"Yeah, come on in." She replied, motioning to the kitchen. 

He walked in, and Darrel took a seat on the couch, so Pony wouldn't follow them in. 

"So.. is he alright? He seemed scared when he realised the time." He said. 

"Well he seemed fine, a little shaky, but I didn't think much of it." She replied. 

"OK, well I'll knock in with Pony tomorrow to invite them over for dinner, or something like that." He rambled back. 

"We'll talk more about this tonight." Mrs. Curtis sighed, she knew Pony would want to know more, in fact she herself wanted to know more. 


I kinda like this so far, next chapter will have some TW's! Nothing too big though. There may be some mistakes, as this is slightly rushed.. but oh well! 

Hope you have a good day or night.. or different time..

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