Chapter 2, Free Coat

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[Ponyboy's pov]

"Looks like he's about to get the shit beat out of him." Dallas chuckled, taking a sip out of his beer, Two-bit gave him a look, and he stopped laughing.

"He's the new kid, moved in a while ago." Pony muttered, still looking towards the direction the boy ran, right into Soc territory.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you go on over to him?" Steve laughed, earning laughter from everyone except Two-bit.

"Stop with the jokes, that kid has it bad enough, he doesn't need to be the laughing stock of the street." Two-bit replied, no one knew quite what he meant, but it was enough to stop the laughing and the topic to be changed.

"You know what Steve? Maybe I will go after him." Pony snapped, while standing up.

"Oh come on Pony, he was only joking- besides, he's gone into the socs' side of town, don't go in there alone." Darrel replied.

Pony didn't listen, instead he stood up and walked out of the lot, and down the street, ignoring the calls of everyone. Pony hated being teased, everyone did. There's always someone in the 'friend group' who gets teased, and since Pony was the youngest, 'the kid brother', it was always him who got teased. Before Pony began to hang out with the gang, it was Soda who got teased, it made sense.

"Pony! Wait up." He heard, he turned his head and saw Two-bit. No big surprise, Two-bit had the same concerned look as Pony when Johnny ran by.

Pony stopped walking, and Two-bit caught up. "So, kid ran right into the socs' side? Must be real lucky" Two-bit said, making Pony smile slightly. Johnny's just lucky his old man didn't run after him.

The pair continued to walk, Pony didn't know why he was so invested in the kid he just saw run pass him, but he felt the odd feeling to keep him safe, want to know he's OK even.

"Is that him, or a soc?" Two-bit muttered, Pony looked in the direction Two-bit was pointing at, low and behold, there was a boy sitting on the curb, his head in his hands.

"Might as well check?" Pony replied, walking across the road towards the boy. He stood a few meters away, so the kid knew he was there.

"Hey.." Pony smiled, the boy looked up, wiping to tears off his cheek.

"Hi.. Can I help you?" The boy, Johnny, replied. He stayed sitting, he kept the blank look on his face, not wanting to show any type of fear.

"Um.. Well, we saw ya run down the road.. Are you OK?" Pony asked awkwardly.  Two-bit kept his distance.

"No, no I'm fine."

"What's your name?" Pony replied, he knew it was probably too soon to ask, but the curiosity was killing him.

"Johnny, Johnny Cade. And you?"

"Ponyboy Curtis, this is Two-bit." Pony noticed the boys confusion as he mentioned the names, making him smile. "Odd names right? No I'm joking, Two-bits a nickname, his name's  Keith, but no one calls him that no more." Pony replied. "Unfortunately, Ponyboy's my real name, my father is an original man." Pony replied, making Johnny smile.

"What age are you anyway? No offence, but you look a little young to be roaming the streets alone on this side of town at this hour." Pony said, Johnny didn't know what he meant, as this seemed like the nicer side of town, but he took his word for it.

"Ha, I'm sixteen." Johnny replied, Two-bit and Pony both looked very confused now.

"Wow-  you look younger than me, I'm fifteen- not like its a bad thing, looking younger is a good thing."

"No it's fine, you look a lot older than fifteen." Johnny smiled.

"Thanks." Pony replied, he wasn't too sure why he thanked Johnny.

"Do you have a place to stay, gets cold at night 'round here." Two-bit spoke up, Johnny looked over at him.

"Probably just going to stay out for the night, don't mind the cold much." Johnny replied.

Pony frowned slightly, "You can stay at my place if you'd like, I know we only met four minutes ago, but it's the least I can do." Pony said.

"Oh no, I'd hate to be a bother." 

"No really, the socs' come out at night anyway, it would be safer." Pony said.

"Nope, Pony I'm fine, really." Johnny said, a smile coming across his face.

"At least take my coat, it gets cold." Pony said, taking off his coat and handing it to Johnny, who was too stunned to reply.

"We've gotta get going, I'll see you around Johnny." Pony smiled.

"See ya, Ponyboy. Bye Keith." Johnny replied, making Pony laugh.

Well, looks like Johnny's found his first friend, who's named after an animal, boy would this be a story to tell in a couple of years.

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