Chapter 13, class

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I have yet to know if I came up with the 'Cherry's mum is the printable' idea, I'm currently writing chapter 24, and I just remembered about this now. I would like to apologise deeply if this idea is 'stolen' of someone, this was not at all intentional! Thought as I read this I find it hard to believe I thought of it by myself!


Pony walked Johnny to the principal's office, before he left to try and find his group for some project, Johnny didn't quite know the details.

"Ah! Jonathon Cade, lovely to meet you."

Johnny turned his head, to be met by a woman with red fluffy red hair and glasses. She looked like she was fresh out of some Rom-com his mother used to watch.

"Good morning miss, um you can call me Johnny, no one calls me Jonathon anymore." Johnny said with a laugh, only his parents called him his full name, hence why he hated it so much.

"Alright then Johnny, you can call me Miss. Valance."

"I'll get your schedule, do you know anyone already? Maybe someone who could help get to classes, it's a little nerve-racking trying to find all your classes in the first week." Mrs. Valance said with a warm smile, Johnny thought she was nice, and Pony didn't say anything bad about her.

"Yeah, um Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis. I think he's in my year.." Johnny replied sheepishly.

"Ah Ponyboy! He's a lovely boy, I believe him and my daughter were together last summer." She smiled, Johnny's heart dropped. He didn't know why, him and Pony were friends, yet here he was thinking about crying.

"Oh I'm sorry- I have a habit of over-sharing! Here's your schedule. I believe that's the same lunch that Pony has, he asked to swap it last term." She said with her cheesy smile. She didn't seem like principle material, she seemed too nice. He remembers the principle back in New York, the guy had Johnny in Sunday detention every week, he had to spend the whole two hours alone with him.

"Thank you!" Johnny said with the biggest smile he could give to someone he doesn't know.

"No problem, your first class is in block C classroom D-" (I Don't know if these are real terms.) "-I would walk you there, but I'm late for a meeting, enjoy your first day, come to me you have any problems!"She smiled, while leaving her office, Johnny following behind.

"Thanks.." Johnny muttered while walking into the now crowded hallway, clenching his worn out bag and his now crippled schedule sheet.

Block C? He didn't think there were 'blocks' in schools, nor a classroom D? Why aren't they numbered? So far this school made no sense to him, at least he had Pony. Where was Pony?


"No- we already agreed on what poem we're doing David-"

"Okay, sure Pony, but what happens when Becky's doing the same poem!?"

"I'm in your group jackass!"

"Becky not now-"


The bell rang and Johnny was still lost, he couldn't find Pony, the hallways were pact and he couldn't quite remember what hallway he walked down, was it left or right? He knew no one, and was constantly getting stared at, even glared at and he's done nothing.

"Johnny!" he turned his head and saw Pony, how in the name of god did Pony spot him in this ocean of people.

"Sorry, something came up with my art group- anyway what class do you have first?" Pony asked, while he pulled Johnny's arm so they stood at the side of the hallway, away from the upcoming 'traffic'.

"Um... block C classroom D?" Johnny replied, while looking at his paper, praying it had more information... it didn't.

"Ohh, that's Mr. Ray's maths class, I'll walk you there, my next class is right next to it." Pony smiled, the same smile he did when he gave Johnny his coat, the same welcoming, happy and beautiful smile- what was he going on about?

"Thanks Pony."

"No problem Johnnycakes."

The class was boring, aside from all the introducing himself he had to do, and the fact Mr. Ray called him Josie for the first ten minutes, much to everyone's enjoyment, the class was okay, the maths was easy enough.

Lunch was a breeze, except for the fact he had to use Pony's money, couldn't find the table Pony and his bag were at, and got a spoon thrown at him by what Pony called a 'Soc'.

The rest of the day flew by, mainly because the author was too tired to write anymore, but something clicked with Johnny.

He finally felt like he was home.


That's right, another chapter! I'm not very good with writing 'american' school stuff, like the grades and high-school year terms, google is a huge help. Lol idk what else to say..

Actual 'romance' will begin, and I'll even begin to write more in Pony's pov! Right now the story is going through what I like to call the 'boring before' , it lasts for 3-4 chapters, so not that long left! As usual, if you find any mistakes, pretend you didn't :)

Thank you for reading!!

Hope you have a good day or night.. or different time..

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