Chapter 6, 'Friend like you' :)

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I've changed the AU slightly! Apologies, it just fits the story better, Johnny and his parents moved to America (from Italy) when he was seven/eight, then moved from New York to Tulsa, Oklahoma when he was twelve, he is now sixteen (like in the book), Pony's fifteen, not sure why I changed it, I just thought it would work better.

All of the Pony x Johnny stuff is beginning!  Finally!

"Have you ever been down by the drag races? Soda always drags us down every week or so." Pony said, as they began to approach the house.

Johnny smiled, "Back in Italy we used to go to a few. I don't remember much though." He laughed, making Pony smile. 

"You could come to the one next week." Pony replied.  

Pony and Johnny talked like they had known each other for years, talking about things Johnny didn't say to most people, like the fact he lived in New York. 

Pony didn't know why he was so open about, well, everything with Johnny, he just felt Johnny was a nice person, a trust worthy person. It's hard to find someone like that over this side of town nowadays. Now he sounded insane.

As they came to the house, Johnny was in amazement.  It was the kind of house that he had only ever seen in shows and films, it looked safe. There were no cracked windows, no bottles on the lawn and no one was shouting. This seemed like a home, not like the house he lived in. This was a home.

"Oh dear, Pony, would you and Johnny be able to go down to the store and pick up some.. um.. orange juice?" 

"Oh um yeah, no problem." Pony replied, while looking at Johnny, who gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Lovely, well, here's some money, and use the change to buy yourself something." She smiled. Johnny was waiting for the catch, but it never came. There was no 'Steal me a pack of cigarettes' or 'shove two bottles into your jacket, we bought you it for a reason'. 

"Thanks mum, come on Johnny." Pony said with a warm smile, grabbing Johnny's hand and pulling him back down the road, to where Johnny presumed this store was. 

"What do you wanna get? We could get cookies or something." Pony said. 

"Oh I don't mind, you can pick." Johnny replied. 

"Your a great friend ya know Johnnycakes." Pony smiled, not yet realising what he had called Johnny, or that he still had Johnny's hand in a firm grip, Johnny didn't mind though. 

"Aw shucks Pony, I hardly even know ya, I'm sure you have a better friend." Johnny said with a smile, he could feel his face turning red. 

"No, I'm serious." Pony replied, his face was also red by now. 


Is it realistic that they became friends so fast? Nope. Does it matter? I hope not!

I can (almost) promise you now that nothing else is going to change in this AU, also no one dies! This is more so a 'fix it AU' than anything.

Hope you enjoyed it anyway, longer chapters will come I promise! 

Anyhow, hope you have a good day or night.. or different time (?)

'That house isn't your home.' Ponyboy x JohnnyWhere stories live. Discover now