Chapter 32, Unfairness

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I think this story will end by chapter 35-40. Don't get me wrong, I truly love writing this, and I love the community even more, but I've thought out an ending, and I'm more content with it all know, and for once I actually know what I'm doing!

That being being said, hope you enjoy this chapter.

(This chapter has a slightly sadder undertone, future chapters will be more positive/happy!)

The Cade household fell silent that night. The neighbours were overjoyed, while Johnny lay awake. He could never fall asleep to silence. He had gotten use to falling asleep to the yells, screams and cries of his parents.

Johnny wasn't a fan of silence, necessarily. While he didn't talk much, and overall enjoyed peace and quiet, he hated silence.

He sat on his bed for a minute, then he thought. He thought again and decided. His partners don't care about him either way, so why does he have to care about them? He could leave if he wanted. Hell, he could run away. He could find some abandoned building, even a church, on top of a hill in the countryside and stay there for about a week, then he could decide what he wants to do with his life.

His parents didn't have an authority in hind sight, he was sixteen! A sixteen year old is basically an adult in the real world, not here, but there's somewhere in the world where he could have his own life, his own independence.

For a minute it felt like he was actually going to do something, it felt like he could actually make something of his life, then reality kicked in. What could he do? He was only sixteen, he was just a kid. He couldn't do anything, even if he wanted to. He was stuck. Stuck in the old, shabby house, and locked out of a home.

A second later all the inspiration he had was gone. Suddenly, he was sucked back into the realty he was trapped in. He'll always be trapped.

He looked out the window, and looked at the stares. Each one was different. Despite looking alike, all he could think was how different they all were. None of them were the same. He thought of the Curtis', then Steve and Dallas, and finally Two-Bit.

Then he thought about Pony. He couldn't stop thinking about Pony. It was dumb, he knew that, but they're was just something about Pony that made him believe that he could do something, that he had a choice.

Everyone was like a star, if you asked Johnny. They were all different, and all had their own issues. They all had problems, even if they didn't say it. They all experienced unfairness. Life doesn't play fair.


"Pony! That's my blanket!"

"Where's the prove, Darrel!"

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that my name is EMBROIDERED onto it maybe??"

"Darrel don't yell at your brother." Mrs. Curtis shot back.

"What did I even do!" Darrel said back. He felt like that often. He was always confused when he got blamed for things, it was all because he was the oldest, if you ask him.

"Wait- you got your name embroidered onto a blanket!?" Soda cried back, be never for his name even written on anything. All he ever got was all of Darrell's old stuff. It was just unfair.

Pony watched his brothers argue. Even if they were arguing, the two of them were closer then he'd ever be with either of them.

Pony looked at them as they began wrestle. Something he never did since his parents always saw him as the baby, he was too fragile in their eyes. Despite only being a year younger than Soda, they didn't seem to realise.


Johnny wondered if life was unfair to everyone, of course it was! Did he seriously think that everyone's life was perfect? Absolutely not! He smiled to himself. He didn't know why he was smiling. Yet he was.

Johnny looked over at his clock, the old Mickey Mouse clock he's had since he was six, it was eleven o'clock. He decided he'd head to sleep, he thought about staying up a little while longer, but decided he was going to meet Pony earlier in the morning.

Before he closed his eyes he made a promise to himself; he was going to make something of himself, just to prove the unfairness of life wrong.



Honestly I have no idea why This took so long to write, since it's isn't as long as other chapters nor does it include 'action' or whatever. Overall I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out! But I'm definitely going to stick with happier-undertones for future chapters! Through, I do love writing and reading sadder stories, so who knows, maybe I'll write another book after this is finished!

How are you all? :)

Please ignore all grammar and spelling mistakes, and I hope you all have or had a great day !!

Xoxo, author

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