Chapter 5, 'Jonathon'

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Pony didn't quite know what he was to expect when he walked into the Cades house, but he most certainly wasn't expecting 'Jonathon'. He found it cool that Johnny was known as something else to his parents, he felt almost special that Johnny introduced himself as, well, Johnny. Now he was getting ahead of himself.

"Pony? Are you listening?" Pony was snapped out of thought when his mother nudged his arm. Soda snickered by his brother's shocked face.

"What..?" He replied.

Maryanne sighed. "Jonathon will be starting in your and Soda's school pretty soon, keep an eye on him, will ya?"

To this Pony just nodded his head, his mother certainly believed that 'Jonathon' was much younger than he looked, which he does look younger and well is a head or maybe two shorter than Pony himself, so he couldn't blame her.

"Mm I suppose Jonathon would be closer to Soda's grade." Mrs. Cade replied, clearly realising Maryannes confusion.

"Uh yeah I think he'd be in.. um.. ninth grade?" Mr. Cade said, while walking back into the living room, and sitting back beside his wife.

'I think? Do they know anything about their boy?' Maryanne thought, she knew there was more to the story of the Cades. Steve's parents went through a bit of a rough time when he was a kid, he often stayed over at her home, she didn't mind what so ever, she just wanted him to know he was safe in her home.

"I'm in grade ten, if you forgot." Johnny muttered while holding two cups of tea, he handed one to Mrs. Curtis, who said a huge thank you with a smile, and the other to his mother, who commented that it was too cold, then said it was, quote on quote, 'Tasted too much like coffee, wash the dishes better.'

Once Mrs. Cade said that, Johnny didn't say much, he kept to himself, didn't sit near anyone, he was just kind of there? Pony wasn't sure.

What he was sure of was that his mother was very uncomfortable.

"Oh wow! Look at the time, we should be going. It was lovely chatting with you two." She said with a smile, while hitting Soda's arm to wake him up.

"We should do it again soon." Mrs. Cade said with the fakest smile Pony had ever seen! She walked them out of the house, Johnny trailing a bit behind.

Maryanne looked at him, while saying goodbye to Mr. Cade. He had puppy eyes, that nearly made her want to hug him.

"Johnny can come over to our house if he'd like- to talk about school and all that." Mrs. Curtis said with a nervous smile, she didn't quite know why she did, but there was something about Johnny that made her want to protect him, huh, 'like son like mother' I suppose.

"Oh.. That would be nice, right Jonathon." Mr. Cade said, with the smallest amount of anger in his voice, just enough for Johnny to pick up on.

And just like that, Johnny was walking to the Curtis' house, while Pony bombarded him with questions, about anything and everything, he didn't mind though. If it was anyone else he'd probably change the topic, but he didn't mind Pony talking, in fact, he enjoyed it.


I rushed the last bit, as I just want to 'jump' into the actual story line.

Hope you have a good day or night.. or different time (?)

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