Chapter 16, compliment's and homeword

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Johnny walked into Pony's room, he was greeted with a warm smile.

"Hey Johnnycakes." Pony said, making Johnny smile, Pony had that effect on him. He always made him smile.

"So, do you need any help with anything..?" Johnny asked, he didn't quite know why he asked, as he was hardly better at any subject, though he felt as if he owed Pony something, as he's helped Johnny with loads of things in the short time they've known each other.

Pony thought for a moment, then said, "I have this exam in Italian for the language course I'm trying to take, for junior year, do you mind helping?" Pony laughed slightly, he hated asking people for help, he always had. (I'm 80% sure that junior year is like the last year of school before college.. anyone willing to clarify that..?)

"Mhm, that's um, yeah okay, I'll warn you, I'm kind of rusty with speaking Italian.." Johnny replied, while walking over to the desk Pony was at. By rusty, he meant he didn't know a single word off by heart, BUT he had some hope that he picked up on things from family, and maybe even remembered a bit from when he lived in Italy.

"Thanks Johnny! Alright, it's this question I'm stuck on, it's the 'about you' section." Pony replied, turning his few to the page.

'Domanda uno, quanti fratelli/sorella hai?' (Question one, how many siblings do you have?)

"Okay.. so.." Johnny mumbled, while looking at the page, he knew that 'fratelli' was the masculine version of 'siblings', and it's in the 'about me' section, so, taking a guess, the question was 'how many siblings do you have'.. probably.

"How many siblings do you have?" Johnny said with a smile, his parents would be so proud.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Johnny." Pony replied, while scribbling down on his page.

Johnny smiled to himself, while walking back to Pony's bad and leaning against it, taking out his English book to read the dumb comprehension the teacher was making them read .

"Do you speak Italian at home?" Pony blurted out of the blue, well not really 'out of the blue', but anyway, he kept his gaze on his Italian sheet. Johnny looked at him, thinking of a reasonable answer that would end the conversation as soon as possible.

"Um.. kind of? My parents do, but I don't necessarily, unless they make me or.... something." Johnny muttered the end bit, realising how bad it sounded.

"Make you?" Pony repeated, while turning around to look at Johnny.

"Well- what I mean is-" Johnny said while panicking, "My parents just want me to know my 'roots' I guess, ya know since we moved here and stuff." Johnny said with an unsure smile, Pony just nodded.

"That's cool, you should teach me Italian sometime." Pony said with a smile, causing butterflies to form in his stomach.

Pony looked at Johnny for a minute, confusing Johnny slightly, "You look cute when you smile!" Pony blurted out, both his and Johnny's faces turning red.

"I- um.. thanks." Johnny said with a large smile, while looking back at his English book.

Pony and Johnny stayed in a comfortable silence for another hour or so, while working on their homework. The entire time Pony was basically kicking himself for calling Johnny 'cute', Jesus he seemed like some obsessed psycho, okay, maybe his mind was jumping to conclusions.

There was a knock on the door, Pony said 'come in', and in walked Mrs. Curtis with a smile plastered across her face.

"Dinners almost ready Pony, do you feel like staying, Johnny? I can call your parents if you'd like."

"Oh no it's alright, my mum's probably expecting me home anyway, thank you." Johnny smiled, she nodded her head and left.

"Thanks for having me over, Pony." Johnny said with a smile, while grabbing his books and pencil, and shoving it all into his bag.

"Anytime Johnnycakes." Pony replied.

Johnny stood up and headed for the door.

"You're not too bad yourself, Pone." Johnny mumbled, his face turning red.

Pony looked confused, yet somewhat happy, "You called me cute, it's only fair I compliment you back. See ya Pony." Johnny said before leaving the room. Pony smiled to himself and went back to scribbling something into his journal, or what Soda calls 'his manly diary',

Dear Journal, or whatever you are,

I'm in love!


3 chapters in one week??? Wowza! Anyways, hope you're all doing well, and a super late happy birthday to Johnny Cade! And, the 'romantic' aspect has finally begun! I know, you're all so happy that it came this early, on chapter 16! I'm so sorry it took so long lol

And with that, how's your day going or how'd it go?

(As per usual, try and ignore any mistakes!)


"No Mason I'm positive, he called Johnny cute!"

"Maryanne, are you absolutely sure? If so, then I owe Darrel fifty dollars.."

"I'm one hundred present sure!" She smiled.

"I'm happy he's found the right person, Johnny's a lovely boy, and after that Cherry girl, I didn't think he'd find love again." He said with a large smile, almost crying with joy at this point.

"Oh dear..." Mrs. Curtis said, a sad look coming across her face.

"What is it dear?" Mr. Curtis asked.

"We're not going to have grankids!" Tears formed in her eyes.

"What- oh no.."

"You do know I'm sitting right here you know?" Soda said rolled his eyes, he was sitting at the kitchen table building a tower from a deck of cards.

"I've got it! Darrel! He's sure to have kids at some point, right!" Mr. Curtis said with joy in his voice.

"You genius, we're saved!" Mrs. Curtis smiled, while running and hugging her husband.

"Glad to hear." Soda mumbled, while knocking down his tower.

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