Chapter 23, What a Gentleman

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Small (big) Note,

Okay so if anyone hasn't noticed, I'm SLIGHTLY switching the main focus from the ship to the whole dynamic of the family, gang and the backstories! I can assure you that this is still a JohnnyBoy story, just with more mini-stories involved and more of a background, since I kind of hate when stories just jump to the 'romance' aspect since the story ends with load of unfinished ends, and I just feel like this story has gone on for a while now, as this is chapter 23 and the 'romantic' or 'ship' aspect is still in the working, a reason for this, for me anyway, is that the characters age is obviously quite young, fifteen and sixteen. As well as the fact this takes place in the 60's when the LGBT community was more suppressed and not remotely represented or anything, thus why neither character has said anything too open to anyone else, as a boy liking a boy (probably) wasn't 'advertised' in films or shows. THOUGH, with all that said I obviously was not alive in the 60's so all of this could be drastically incorrect, feel free to comment about this,'either agreeing with me or adding to it! If you disagree, that's completely fine, just please don't be rude about it, this is just my 'predicted' reasoning!

I don't know, I also just feel the need to make sure that EVERY character gets a happy ending (except Johnnys parents) , since the real 'The Outsiders' by S.E Hinton ends on a somewhat sad note, which I don't overly want to write here. (NO HATE TO THE AUTHOR, I LOVE THE BOOK, I JUST WANT TO WRITE AN AU OF SORTS!)

[The Curtis Household]

"Alright- oh Johnny! Does your family say Grace? We could say it if you'd like-" Mr. Curtis smiled. Dinner had just been served, on the many small tables Darrel had arranged into one 'super' table as Steve said.

"Oh no- Um .. we don't- sir..?" Johnny said in a small, panicked voice. Questions scared him, as dumb as it sounded, being asked a question around a group of people was one of his worst nightmares.

Pony simply smiled at the other, giving a reassuring look, which helped — in some way.

"Alright then, dig in everyone!" Mrs. Curtis smiled, before having to shoot a glare at Soda, who was along his mash potatoes into a volcano with gravy, broccoli for tress and croquettes as the animals.. friendly reminder, he is a sixteen year old, and doing the same thing he did when he was six.

"Is- is he doing it again..?" Dallas muttered to Two-Bit, watching the whole thing play out.

"Oh good god he is." Two-Bit whispered, half in shock and half in fear of how quickly Soda could do that! He's been trying to make it for months! He just can't get the tree placement right, and he hates gravy, so it's not much of a volcano. [I spend five minutes trying to describe all of that, I can't tell if I'm proud or ashamed..]

After a dinner filled with glares and potato-volcanos, everyone went their separate ways, Dallas and Two-Bit went to the drive in, Steve and Soda went to the dingo to the new live music they had beeen advertising for the past month, Darrel went to bed, leaving Johnny and Pony to put the dishes in the sink, much to Mrs. Curtis telling them they didn't have to.

"So, are you going to head home after this.. or do you want to stay the night..?" Pony asked, secretly hoping for the second option. They had just finished putting the last glasses away, and they didn't have much else to do.

"Oh.. um.. I'll probably heave to head home soon, doing my folks would be too pleased when the realise I'm gone." Johnny laughed towards the end, making Pony smile, and slightly laugh along.

"Yeah that's fine! Want me to walk ya back? Half the street lights got knocked out by the soc's down you your road. Wouldn't want ya getting lost." Pony said with a sly-ish smile.

Johnny, noticing the others odd smile, decided to play along, "wouldn't want that at all! Now would we? I suppose you can walk me home, if it isn't too much trouble."

"Oh not at all! It would be my pleasure."

"Who knew you such a gentlemen?" Johnny said with a smug smile. Pony's ears tuned bright red, nearly resembling that one reindeer's nose, that for some reason I can't remember it's name? But that's not the entire point. (I'm more of a Vixen person anyway.)

Pony put out his arm, like he saw that one guy do in the film Soda made him watch, "shall we?" He asked, trying to ignore the fact he looked like a tomato.

"We shall." Johnny replied, while holding onto Pony's arm.

Pony even opened the door for him! Who knew romantic films were so spot on?

As they walked down the street, they talked about random things. No topic had a reason, but it seems to keep them busy, Pony was able to walk without thinking about some Socials driving by and seeing them, and Johnny didn't think about how his parents would react if they saw them! It was a win-win.

Soon, too soon for their liking, they arriver at the Cade's household. The lights were tuned on in the kitchen, Johnny could see that much. The rest of the scrap of a house was in darkness. So their was some amount of hope that his parents were passed out.

"Well this is it." Pony said with an almost sad smile, but not sad enough for Johnny to notice in the dark.

"Yep.." Johnny sighed. "Thanks Pony- for walking me back. It means a lot." The more Johnny talked, the redder Pony got.

This is it. This is my shot! Johnny thought, as he looked around the empty streets. He looked up at Pony, nearly going on his tippy-toes, and kissed Pony's cheek.

WHAT?? Oh my days! He- he kissed me! Quick- what in the name of god do I do now?? Do I say thank you? NO PONY DO NOT SAY THANK YOU! Pony thought to himself. Instead, he decided to kiss Johnny, except instead of kissing him on the cheek, he kissed him.. on the lips.

YES YES YES YES YES YES! Johnny thought as they pulled apart. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Johnny asked, the smile on his face didn't seem to fade.

"Yeah, yeah I'll see ya tomorrow." Pony smiled back.

"Bye Pony." Johnny smiled as he walked into the front yard.

"See ya Johnny."


YEAH THATS RIGHT IT HAPPENED! Honestly, they weren't meant to kiss for a while, I had a lot more planned, then I kind of god bored and was like 'ya know what? Why not." And boom here we are! ALSO: let's pretend that this chapter took please on Saturday?? I've forgotten what day it was set in, and since todays Saturday it seems like a sign??

Thank you so much for all the comments! Really and truly all of the comments are so nice 😭 I try my absolute best to reply to all of them! Of course I've probably missed a couple since for a while my notifications we're screwed up. (My friend suffered from that)

It's my birthday on Wednesday by the way, so the next chapter may be delayed! It probably seems like I said that in desperation for someone to care, but I swear I didn't !

With all that been said, please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes! I kind of rushed this a small bit so I could get it posted!

I have too you have or had a great day! And the next chapter should be posted by the 1st or 2nd of July! It's crazy that it's always June? Like I began to write this in December maybe?? I have no blue but I was definitely writing in February!

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