Chapter 7, sweets and early love

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I have a confession to make, I am European, so i use the terms 'sweets' not candy. If this annoys you, oh well :)

Johnny couldn't quite tell why he felt so safe with Pony, there was just something about him. He was sweet from the moment they met, he never asked personal questions, Pony was just happy knowing the basics about him, to which he returned the favour by not asking him any personal questions.

Johnny had only known Pony for two days now, yet it felt like he's known him for years, decades even.

He didn't know much about Soda, as he fell asleep or stared off into space whenever Johnny thought it was a good time to talk to him. From what Johnny heard from Pony, he seems pretty cool, a nice guy.

"So Johnny, what sweets do you wanna get?" Pony asked, the pair had just made it into the shops, it was a family owned store. 'O'Brian's and sons', Johnny thought it was a nice store, compared to the ones his folks would send him into.

"Oh.. um.. how about.." Johnny stuttered, trying to think of a generic sweet brand, "I don't know Pony, you pick." He sighed.

"Righty.." Pony replied, while looking down the isle of sweets and sweets.

"How bout nerds?"

"Sounds good." Johnny replied.

The two walked up to the cashier, Pony grabbing a pack of cancer sticks and the orange juice in the process. Johnny frowned slightly, but it wasn't his business, and he'd be lying if he said he never stole a cigarette off his pa.

"That will be four dollars, twenty nice cents." The cashier smiled, snapping Johnny out of thought.

Pony paid, and the two left. They walked in peaceful silence, while watching the sunset. Johnny always loved watching the sunset, it reminded him of when times were easier, before they moved to New York, before the habits began.

"I'll pay you back next week." Johnny said, breaking the silence.

"Are you kidding? Johnny it's fine, it's what friends do."

The word friends rang in Johnny's ear. Friends. A simple word, meant to compliment someone in a way, makes them feel valid, yet right now it made Johnny feel sad. If it was anyone else, he would brush over it, but it wasn't anyone else, it was Ponyboy, the guy Johnny met two days ago and had fallen head over heels for. Maybe he was over thinking it.

'Boys shouldn't like other boys' - his father would tell him, he had been beaten up pretty bad for it in the past, it was one of the reasons why his parents treated him the way they did, yet he couldn't overcome the feeling. Pony was the kind of person who made his heart flutter, making his face turn red.

"Johnny? You OK?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, just thinking." He smiled back, Pony gave him a smile, and the pair continued to walk.

Friends, yeah they were friends.. for now anyway, nothing more, nothing less. Johnny wishes it was more, though for now he has to be happy with what he has, he's had things ripped away from him, his parents took away all of his toys when he was six, as he was a 'big kid', he doesn't want to loose Pony.

He needs to enjoy the present, not think about the future.


OK, yeah, maybe there's a few mistakes! Just pretend you didn't see them!

Hope you have a good day or night.. or different time!

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