Chapter 24, Thoughts And Snap

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(My dearest apologies for this being posted so late!)

As Pony walked home, he couldn't help but think of any and every awful situation that could come out of the kiss. He liked Johnny, a lot, and it sure seemed like Johnny liked him! As he got closer and closer to his home, he couldn't help but smile. Everything in his life now was working out, school, home and friendships, everything was working out.

As he passed by the light-post, that is now dented by Two-Bit, who stood in the middle of a rod and the oh so familiar Soc car crash into it, that was a story Two-Bit would proudly tell to anyone who was willing to listen. Surprisingly, he hadn't told it to Johnny yet. Pony hopes the ravenet gets spared from the infamous 'Two-Bit Story-Time' . [Is Ravenet spelled right?? I hope I got it right considering I used to be a 'ravenet' ... yeah no there's now way that's spelled right, the more I look at it the more I question my life choices.]

[The Cade Household]

Johnny smiled to himself as he walked through the door, it felt as if a weight was lifted off his chest. He looked into the living room, only to see that it was empty, same with the kitchen and bathroom (that his father occasionally uses as a bottle-bank), much to his surprise. The light on in the kitchen seemed to just be on, someone probably came in and left, that was a tendency his parents had for a while now, leaving and coming as they pleased, never bothering to turn off a light or even attempt lock the door.

Johnny smiled, and went back to the living room. He sat on the couch for the first time by himself. He felt content in that house for once, he wouldn't go as far as saying he felt at home, but it at least felt like a house he was alright with being in, as odd as it sounded, but the author is trying their best; and we respect them for it (ha thats a joke, we don't respect them.) (that was another joke, it's been a long day my humour is broke.)

As he sat in the living room, he began to think. Did Pony actually kiss him and or did I imagine that and kiss a tree..? .. his thoughts were questionable, sure, but it's just the way brain was wired, he thought every single odd, unrealistic, and horrific [Holy shit that rhymed] but he couldn't help that, he's just the way he thought, and we're not going to judge the main character in this tale.

The door opened.

He froze.

His original plan was run into his bedroom, lock the door or at least barricade it, and hide under his bed, hiding in the closet- wardrobe, hiding in the wardrobe was too simple, too predictable, his father, no matter how drunk, was able to open the wardrobe, but was he able to look under the bed when he wasn't even able to see straight? Nope, his balance is so off he can't bend over to look. A trick her learned back in New York. But, did he do said plan? Absolutely not! You think he's that brave? Nope, he's not, unfortunately. Instead he just sat there as the calls got louder, he got more and more scared, he didn't do well with yelling.

"Jonathan? Jonathan!" The calls got somewhat closer, before they stopped, and someone stormed up the stairs.

Still, Johnny stayed still.

[The Curtis Household]

"There ya are Pony! Come here, Dallas is finally playing against your mum!" Two-Bit yelled with a smile, as Pony walked in the door. [I will refuse to say 'mom' till the day I perish.]

"No way.." Pony mumbled.

Dallas hadn't played against Mrs. Curtis since 1961, where she beat him in every of the seventeen games they played, and since then Dallas basically made his number one goal to 'train' every second he could do one day, he MAY, he able to beat Mrs. Curtis in... snap. That's right, snap. Dallas is horrific at snap- wait, no, he was horrid at snap, now he's possibly improved to just being bad at it.

Pony walked over to the others, who all stood around the small table in the living room that was used as a poof by most, despite Me. Curtis' complaints (no one listens to him). Mrs. Curtis and Dallas were both sitting on the ground at either side. Dallas was swearing and overall in a panic, while Mrs. Curtis was calm and smirking.

Nine point five minutes passed, and nothing happened. Until nine point five-four came.

The queen of spades was played twice, Mrs. Curtis slammed her hand down and yelled 'SNAP!' And like that, she won, the queen kept her thrown as the champion at snap.

"What!?" Dallas cried, a tear formed in his eye, a singular tear.

"I'm sorry dear, but you can't beat the queen."

And like that; the room was filled with 'OHH SNAP' 'oh dear god' and 'ALL HAIL THE QUEEN OF SPADES!'

You can't beat the queen at snap!


The last bit makes no sense, has no context and is overall there for no reason! But idk I like adding more of a family aspect, and 'crack' as those writers call it for some reason, umm yeah..

Hope you all have an amazing day !!

And I hope you all have a great summer break :))

Next chapter will be posted soon!! (No promises, my lawyer will see you in court if necessary.)

(Please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes!)

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