Chapter 25, Road-Trip(-ish)

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Before anyone realises notices- I have NOT (completely) gotten about 'side plots', such as,

- Johnny living in New York
- School ..
- Pony's track-races (I have no idea if I already said they were finished or something..)

If you haven't already noticed, I am not by any means a serious writer! At first I tried to make this all serious and 'realistic' but now I add in little notes in every second paragraph and forget what I've wrote in earlier chapters! I am not organised or have any 'major' plans for the ending! But I'd like to thank everyone here, for comments, likes, bookmarking and saving! It honestly means the world, I never thought I'd get this far as any other old story I attempted to write, got discontinued after a couple of weeks!

And a couple plots that will come up in the future are not my original idea, they are all from the 'HEY GUYS' chapter/note (read said chapter for more info) and credit will be given to those who come up with ideas !!

With all that said, enjoy the chapter :)

(Thank you for suggesting this idea goosey !!)


[The Cade Household]

Johnny woke up on the couch, in an uncomfortable, awkward, position. He got up and stood there for a second, and checked the time on the old clock on the wall, that he was convinced was sixteen minutes off, but non the less, he never tried to fix it. 11:35 a.m.

Johnny had a fairly good sleep, and didn't feel the need to stay in his house for long. He crept up the stairs, into his room, and changed his outfit, to look semi-presentable. He wasn't entirely sure if anyone else was home, his father could of left for work, or he could be passed out.. or approaching his bedroom rapidly to yell at him for something he did- OR he could be gone. Yeah, he's probably gone.

His mother was asleep, he knew that for sure. Her shoes were still in the landing [Upstairs hall for those who don't know] , and she never left the house with any other shoe, she just didn't for whatever reason.

After he finished getting changed, he realised he should probably have a shower. After another time skip and a shower, he got changed again and he was ready to go.

He grabbed his shoes that were well worn-out by now, and headed out the door, hoping on foot as he walked out. He got outside, closed the door behind him and was met with a .. sight, to say the least.

"Ah! Jonathan, thought you'd never wake up." His father said in a cheerful voice, yet his facial expression just screamed 'I'm on the FBI's watchlist' , as he tuned  his head to talk to his son.

Right before Johnny was his father.. and Mrs. Curtis?

"Johnny! I was just asking you're dad if I could bring you out, Pony wanted to go to the new roller-rink today, and wanted to bring you along! How does that sound?" She smiled, she never mentioned his fathers response, so he hadn't answered. Johnny smiled, Mrs. Curtis was smart like that.

"Oh I'm not too sure, he's a bit of a clumsy--"

"I'd love to!" Johnny smiled, cutting his father off before he could finish that sentence with some sort of insult.

"Alright! Well you can go hop in the car, ignore the mess, and I'll be right over!" Mrs. Curtis smiled. Johnny nodded his head, getting away for his father as soon as possible.

Once Jonny was out of ear-shot, Mr. Cades smile disappeared.

"Are you sure your son, Donkeyboy or something- actually wanted to bring out that- that mess? Since you can tell me if it was your idea, Jonathan's far enough away to let the lie go on."

"What? No, no not at all! Pony's quite fond of him- everyone is really!" Mrs. Curtis argued.

"Alright, tell me if he acts up." Mr. Curtis said in a stern voice, before heading back inside without a second word.

Mrs. Curtis stood there for a moment, before turning around and heading to the car, an annoyed look on her face from the monster of a man, as Two-Bit said from the night he first met Johnny.

As Johnny walked to the car, he felt as if butterflies were welling up inside him. He didn't quite know how to feel about all of the past events, and he didn't plan on knowing how to feel about them any time soon.

"Hey Johnnycakes!" Pony smiled as Johnny got into the car. Johnny smiled almost immediately when he saw Pony.

"Hi Pony." Johnny said said.

The two quickly got into a conversation about school and other things along the line, neither of them talked about what had happened the night before, yet it wasn't at all awkward. Both of them were some what surprised, since in those 'romantic' films, it always awkward after the .. first kiss.

As Johnny rambled about how he already forgot this locker-pin, password, whatever it was called, Pony couldn't help but smile. Johnny wasn't saying anything that was remotely funny or happy even, he just simply liked watching Johnny talk? He wasn't sure if that was a crime or not, but he just liked seeing Johnny happy? Yeah, that sounds better than 'he liked to watch Johnny' .. "Okay Pony, Relax!" He told himself briefly.

"If I honest, I forgot it on say one." Johnny said with a laugh as he finished off, he looked as if he was still thinking about it, trying to remember it.

"Makes you feel any better, Dallas once forgot his and broke open the locker.. my mum now writes down everyone's locker pin, so she doesn't have to pay for a new one every year." Pony laughed, Johnny thought for a moment, "my parents would never do that."

"That's awfully nice of her! My dad would kill me if I did something like that!" The two of them quickly burst into laughter, which didn't make any particular sense, since nothing was overly funny per say.

"Alright! Ready to go then?" Mrs. Curtis smiled as she got into the drivers seat.

"Yup!" Pony said, Johnny simply nodded his head and smiled at her.

"Roller-skating? Never done that before." Johnny thought as the car began to drive. He looked back at his house, not home, and saw his mother. She was standing in the window in the landing, just looking at him as they drove away.

[LANDING: the hallways upstairs. I have no idea if that term is used often or not, but just in case!]


WOOOH NEW CHAPTER DONE! The next chapter is the roller-rink itself for those who were (possibly) wondering where it was tie in.

Again, thank you to l00s3y_g00sey (correct me if that's spelled wrong!!) for the roller-rink suggestion! I've always loved doing 'suggestions', hence why I've had like sixteen onehsot books on numerous platforms! I even had a 'Johnny x Dallas' one back in like 2021, crazy how things change! What I will say is, if you do happen to have a suggestion, please comment it under the 'HEY GUYS' chapter, it's no problem if you don't! I just like to keep things organised!

With all that said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's not really 'action-packed' remotely, it's very plain but I wanted to add this instead of anther time skip!!

Please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes, I tied my best! And I'm not bothered to re-read it!

Hope you all have a wonderful day, and happy birthday to anyone born on July 15th!

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