Chapter 14, walking home and accents

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"Mason, can we talk for a moment?" Mrs. Curtis asked as she walked into the kitchen, where her husband was reading the newspaper.

"Of course, what is it dear?" He replied with a warm smile, layer then frowning when he saw his wife's sorrow expression.

"It's about Johnny- Pony's friend.." she said, "I went by their house in the car on my way to work- and the shouting was unbelievable- there was even the sound of bottles breaking- I just, I don't think it's a good place for that boy to be living in."

"Hmm, well I agree, that sounds like no place a child should have to live in, that's hardly a home.. we can talk about it to him after his school, I have a feeling Pony will bring he back here."

"That sure sounds like Pony."

"So, now was your first day?" Pony asked, him and Johnny were walking back to his house, as Pony offered to help him with his math homework (Finney and Robin could never)

"It was ok, the principal was nice." Johnny smiled, "thanks for the lunch money by the way." He continued.

"It's no problem Johnnycakes." Pony replied.

"How was your day..?" Johnny mumbled, just over a whisper.

"Huh? Oh! It was ok, working on that art project is a pain though, I got the annoying group."

"Ha, I remember back in New York-" Pony's  expression turn into confusion, he didn't know what Johnny meant by New York, "we had an English project, guy in my group set it all on fire when we were presenting it." Johnny smiled, thinking back to the four days he was suspended, he just stayed in Central Park, his parents had no idea that he got in trouble, they probably wouldn't of cared, but Johnny didn't want to risk it.

"On fire! Are you serious?" Pony laughed.

"Yup! There was this one 'gang' in our neighbourhood, they were real psychopaths!"

Pony laughed for a minute, "did you live in New York?"

"Yup, for um twelve years? I didn't like it much, but there was some parts that were nice."

"Wow, twelve years. I'm pretty sure Dallas lived there for like two or three years, he lived on the real rough side, he never really said what part exactly. What part did you live in anyway?" Pony asked.

"Brooklyn. Near central park.., I always wanted to live in Boston, the accents are tuff there."

"Tuff? Do they use that word in New York!? We use it here, Soda always said he made it up when he was younger!" Pony asked, making Johnny smile.

"Not really, I heard someone say it in school, then the teacher asked them to explain what it meant." Johnny replied.

The curiosity was killing Pony, he had to ask.. "do you have a New Yorker accent? Like the ones on tv?"

"Umm kinda? I kinda had one until my parents wanted me to sound more Italian. My accents kinda a mix of poor Italian and a weak New Yorker one, but I kinda hate it, hence why I hide it more now." Johnny shrugged.

"Johnny, please! Please say something like a New Yorker, I'm begging you."

Johnny sighed, he hated using his 'actual voice'. "The autumn-divers are getting bene..." he mumbled, but Pony heard it, and he gave a large smile.

"Woah, what does 'autumn diver' mean, what about bene?" Pony asked.

"Autumn diver is like a pick-pocketer in a church, and bene means good." Johnny smiled.

The pair kept walking until they made it back, Johnny talking in a New Yorkers accent and saying some things in an Italian accent, let's just say Pony was very amused!

Im so sorry for jumping off the side of the earth again!

And the 'New York' slander is literally from a website after I googled 'New York slander words' I'm so smart I know, the only slander I know is Irish, so maybe I'll add an Irish character or make Time Shepard Irish (I'm joking, unless anyone actually wants that, then I'm being dead serious.)

Thank you all so much for 1.06k reads!! It means the absolute world

Hope your all having a good day or night, or different time!

(If you find and spelling or grammar mistakes, pretend you didn't.)

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