Chapter 27, Family

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Im back!

Omg we're on chapter 27?? By the way this is going we'll be on chapter ninety-six before this ends /hj

Hope everyone's summer holidays/summer break went well!! My heart go's out to those of you who have already started back lol

Anyhow, hope ya like the chapter :)


That was an odd word for Johnny.

Ever since he was a kid, he was told that a family was a mum, a dad and a child, nothing more.

He hated the "my family" and "family tree" projects in school, as he simply didn't understand what the point was. Everyone knew he lived with his parents, so why did they have to see it on paper?

Johnny never felt that him and his parents were a family.

He never felt like he had a family in fact.

Though, as he sits in the car, California Dreamin' on full blast, with Mrs. Curtis singing the first parts, and himself and Pony yelling the later parts, he felt as if he had had this family his entire life.

He felt an odd sort of comfort as they sped down the roads. Me felt safe. Which, realistically, he wasn't too safe at the moment. Cars aren't usually safe, in hindsight.

Yet he had felt the safest he'd felt all week with these  two Curtis'.


He could get used to that word.

[The Curtis Household]

"No! I'm telling you, I've gotten better at skating!"

"Sure you have Pony, sure." Steve replied, with a grin across his face.

"I highly doubt he has." Dallas piped in, as he lit his cigarette, he only ever smoked in the house when Mr. Curtis wasn't home, that man would tell you a twenty minute story, with joy and sadness, about why you shouldn't smoke. Dallas in particular has heard it about twenty times now, he just doesn't listen enough to understand.

"Johnny! Has he gotten any good?" Steve asked, now Turing to the only whiteness.

"How's he supposed to know if he's gotten better if he hasn't seen Pony skate before!" Soda yelled at Steve, who simply glared at him and muttered something. Soda only laughed in response.

"Em.. I suppose he was pretty good. Didn't fall too much .." Johnny mumbled. By now the gang had learned that Johnny mumbling wasn't in a rude way, but was just the way he talked to others he didn't know, no one really cared too much, they knew he was a good kid from all of Pony's rambling.

"See! Told ya I've gotten better." Pony replied, a somewhat proud-look coming across his face.

"Uh huh, guess we'll never know for sure." Dallas said, while taking a drag of his cancer stick. [I am desperately trying to find another word for said that works I swear.]

"If he didn't get better from last time, I'd be concerned." Darrel sighed, while walking through the door. Darrel was never in a talking-mood after work. He just wasn't. Which no one really minded, as they didn't go to work like Darrel did. Soda and Steve worked, sure, but all they did was talk about girls and the towns gossip. They didn't work.

"Darrel! Where's dad?" Soda called, while walking up the stairs behind his brother.

"Mrs. Williams caught him while he was parking mum's truck, she's rambling bout something." Darrel yawned, while heading down the landing and into his room. Johnnys head perked up. Mrs. Williams? She's the lady he met at the track race! She was lovely! Johnny rather liked her, she seemed like a different version of his mum, if she was actually content I suppose.

[In case anyone forgot (probably everyone) Mrs. Williams or Mrs. William is the character that I made up and brought into the story in chapter the chapter titled 'racing horses' and possible the next two chapters. She's nice to Johnny, and basically obsessed with Mr. Curtis, Mrs. Curtis isn't a huge fan of her. I plan to bring her into the story from now on, so this is just a little refresher! Oh! And I'm using "Mrs." For her, it will made more sense in later chapters!]

"WHAT!?" Mrs. Curtis yelled, after hearing her eldest and middle children. Now, was she saying that because Mrs. William was near her husband OR was it because she was near her truck? That's for you to guess.. it's the second option.

Mrs. Curtis walked right out the door, and practically marched over to the pair.

"Johnny? Ya coming?" Pony smiled at him, Johnny simply looked up at the other confused. He was going to ask something before his face went bright red and he lost the ability to speak.

Pony smiled more, grabbed Johnnys had and dragged the other out the door to watch what was taking place. Pony loved watched him mum argue with Mrs. Williams, it was simply histories. Well, argue isn't quite the word, but it was funny nonetheless. Pony white liked Mrs. Williams, and he didn't really see why his mother thought Mrs. Williams loved her husband, or his dad, as Pony got more of a 'you're so cool I want to be your friend!' vibe, but he wouldn't dare tell his mother that. If Pony was honest, he thought Mrs. Williams rather liked one of the waitress' at the dingo, he was 90% sure they lived in the same apartment complex too? He was too sure. But he saw them walk home hand in hand one time, to the apartment block near the park.

[If I said ANYTHING about Mrs. Williams having a husband, ignore it. If you couldn't tell I have a tendency to forgot what I wrote in other chapters, and write something completely different changing a part of the plot to the story in the process!]

"Mum doesn't like Mrs. Williams too much." Pony whispered to Johnny.

"Yup, I heard her say that at the track race or something." Johnny mumbled back.

"I never really knew why to be honest, I think Mrs. Williams is rather nice." Pony continued, "you and her got along well, right?"

"Yeah.. I suppose so. I like her." Johnny smiled. "She reminds me of some of my family." Johnny said again, there that word was again, Family.

Then it surely hit him, he did have a family, well, a family in the making I guess? As bad as that sounds, he's getting to know his new family, the gang, the Curtis', all them.


Notes ,

I am sick of the word family now 😭

I've typed it and read it too many times!

With that said, new chapters done! This took way too long to write and if I'm honest, it is far from my best work, the end makes hardly any sense, so I'm just going to summarise a bit if it: Mrs. Curtis thinks Mrs. Williams likes her husband, she doesn't, she just wants to be his friend I guess?? I'm still thinking of how I can tie the two together, till then we'll say that they're high school friends that drifted apart! Anyway, I'm thinking of making Mrs. Williams a mother-ish figure to Johnny, Mrs. Williams has a girlfriend (she'll be mentioned soon enough!) and yeah Johnny just finds a sense of comfort with them and relates to Mrs. Williams! Don't worry that's not a spoiler I guess, as the plot may change and is going to get a good few chapters in the future!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as you could, and I hope you all have or had a good day!! And I wish you all the best with school! I'm starting back towards the end of the month, so updates may be slow(er) -_-

Lol anyways, wish you all well!!

(Please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes.)

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