Chapter 22, The non-related

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[The Curtis House]

"Wait- so Mickey Mouse is dating Mini Mouse..?" Johnny asked, he felt more 'comfortable' talking to Two-Bit. Of course he had met him before, when he first moved in, but he had never got to known him. He seemed nicer than the others, less of a hood than Dallas,'and less hostile looking than Steve. Though he hadn't really got to known Steve at all, maybe he's nicer than he seems.

"Yup. Even the voice actors got married.. I think."

"That's neato.." Johnny mumbled to himself.

[once more, I'm back googling 1960s New York slang.]

Dallas' head shot up. Neato? He hadn't heard that in years, for good reason- he hated that word, but still. It wasn't said in a New York accent necessarily.

"Cool word." Two-Bit said with a smile.

"Is that the marathon?" Steve asked, Johnny hadn't even known he was in the house, If he was honest.

"Yup. Wanna watch? It's not as good as the last one, but Johnny seems to think it's pretty good." Two-Bit replied, his eye view focused on the television.

Steve shrugged and sat down beside Two-Bit, his focus quickly shifting to the animated mice.

Pony stood at the stairs, watching it all happen with a smile. He was somewhat surprised that Johnny was sitting close to someone, as he always thought the other had a more quiet personality, if that makes sense.

"So, the non-related seem to have an alliance." Darrel laughed.

"Huh.. I suppose you're right, all that's missing is Dallas-"

"That makes no sense! Mice. Can't. Fly!" They heard from a bit away. The two turned their head to see Dallas standing a bit behind Johnny watching the TV, his arms folded as if he was irritated by the physics in a kids show.

"Be quiet Dall." Two-Bit mumbled, then the room went silent.

It really was quiet a sight to see, the four of them were completely focused on the TV, each of them fascinated  with it, especially Johnny. Pony couldn't help but smile.

Darrel looked at his kid brother. He looked love-strucked. He smiled to himself, before ruffling Pony's hair, and walking back upstairs. The entire time Pony didn't move his gaze once, always keeping his eyes on his friend, as if he was going to disappear. Of course, Pony knew Johnny had no where else to be, so he stayed. Was that the only reason why he was here in the first place? Pony thought to himself, he sounded ridiculous but what could he say? He was an over-thinker!

"He's staring again!" Mrs. Curtis whisper-yelled at her husband.

Mr. Curtis poked his head out the window, and nodded his head. "Oh yeah, no yeah.. he's most certainly staring."

"He reminds me of you, dear." She smiles.

"Oh really? I don't think I was ever that obsessed with you." He replied, having to think about their teen-years.

"Uh-huh, sure you weren't." She sighed. "Right we'll dinners nearly ready- do you think Jonny will eat mashed-potatoes?" Mrs. Curtis wondered, her husband turned around with a slightly gloomy looking expression.

"Do forgive me if this sounds bad, but Mary, by the looks of the kid, he'd eat anything.."

"I- I suppose you're right, Mason. I don't know, I just want him to actually enjoy his meal, if he's starving or not."

"He seems to be enjoying the Tv anyway." Mr. Curtis smiled. "Don't worry honey, we can ask for dinner suggestions this weekend before the shopping." Mr. Curtis continued, he smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pecking her on the cheek.


FINALLY! A new chapter, I even got it finished  before my birthday! I will warn you all, my day of birth is coming up, so the next update may be delayed! But don't worry, I'll try write whenever I can ! :) I

Thank you all so much for the comments! They always make me smile!

Oh and happy pride month !!!!

I hope you all have or had a fantastic day, and please ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes :)

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