Presents and Forgiveness

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Christmas morning came after a sleepless night for Harry and Draco, waking to a blizzard raging outside. Classes were only a few days away, letting the students and teachers enjoy the holidays before returning to daily school life.

Harry woke up with a big stretch, turning on his side to see Draco still fast asleep. He moved closer, running his fingers through his beautiful silver hair.

Draco managed to sleep a few hours of the night, spending most of it tossing and turning.

Harry couldn't sleep after finding out how much pain Draco was in, feeling very guilty that he didn't know sooner. He looks sick...he's lost weight.

Draco slowly woke up, opening his eyes to see Harry cuddled up close to him. "Morning." He whispered groggily.

Harry sweetly smiled, kissing Draco's forehead. "Good morning my love." He brushed his bangs off his face. "Merry Christmas."

Draco pulled Harry into his arms. "Merry Christmas Harry."

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, pressing his head to Draco's chest.

"Better than last night, sorry we couldn't open presents last night." Draco sighed, looking at Harry with a frown.

"Let's open them now!" Harry hopped out of the bed, walking over to the closet.

Draco sat up, stretching as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. I'm still so exhausted...feels like I didn't even sleep at all...

Harry opened the curtains of the 4 post bed, making a pile of the presents he bought for Draco.

"Wait, I have some I got too." Draco got up, walking over to the closet to reach up on a high shelf.

Harry chuckled at the location. "Did you put them up there because I can't reach?" He stuck his tongue out, sitting on the bed.

Draco laughed, putting the presents next to Harry's. "You would be right! Being tall has it's advantages." He came back up on the bed to sit on the opposite side.

Harry handed Draco a long thin present. "You open one first."

Draco smiled at the green wrapping paper, running his fingers over the sparkly silver designs of snowflakes. "Very Slytherin of you."

Harry watched Draco rip into the first present, curious if he'd recognize the gift.

Draco ripped through the wrapping paper, unraveling the pretty dark green ribbon. "Harry you didn't!"

"Yes I did!" Harry smiled.

Draco opened the white box to see a silver chain sitting on a velvet pillow, a snake pendant with emerald eyes was attached to the chain.

"Can I put it on you?" Harry asked.

Draco leaned in closer.

Harry picked up the necklace, attaching the clasp in the back of Draco's neck.

The snake pendant was weighted comfortably, sitting low on Draco's chest.

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