Broom Closets and Final Resort's

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Ron angrily stomped through the Halls of Gryffindor Tower, leaving his dorm room late at night. He couldn't sleep at all as his mind was flooded by Seamus's request. After going down into the Dungeons and getting no response from Harry and Draco's door, he backtracked through the darkened corridors on his way back to try and get some rest.

Ron got himself turned around, lost in the many twists and turns of the deep dark dungeon pathways. "Merlin's left tit!!! Where am I?!" He growled under his breath, passing down a narrow hall with no lighting.

A hand came darting out from a darkened closet, grabbing Ron by the back of his pajama shirt.

"What the bloody he-???" Ron stared in confusion. "Nott? What the hell are you doing down here?!" He scowled.

Theodore glared. "You're not who I was looking for! Where's the Potter?" He snapped in question, sneering at Ron's bright red hair.

"I don't know! I knocked on their doors and nobody answered! Why did you pull me into a stuffy broom closet?!" He looked around at the tight space, seeing dusty brooms and stacked wash buckets.

Theodore rolled his eyes. "Well considering you're not Potter, get the hell out!" He shoved Ron against the door, squished into the corner.

Ron pulled at the latch, struggling.

"Open it already!" Theodore snapped loudly, shoving Ron.

"Oy! Knock it off! I can't get it open!!!" Ron yanked at the latch, hearing a rusted squeak as he tried to jiggle it.

Theodore smacked Ron's hand away. "Move your stupid freckled fingers! I'll get it!" He shoved himself in front of Ron, pulling and pushing the latch.

Ron scowled. "See I told you! Use your wand so we can get out of here!!!"

Theodore shook his head. "I don't have mine! Must have left it on my bed before I went for a walk." He patted himself down, glaring at the stuck latch of the door.

Ron's stomach flipped. "I don't have mine either I left it in the drawer of my nightstand! If we can't get out what do we do?!" He looked up to see a small window higher up on the confined space.

Theodore looked up. "Give me a boost!"

Ron cupped his hands allowing Theodore to step on, lifting him up. "Is there a lock or latch to open it?!" He asked, wincing at the weight he clumsily held.

Theodore almost fell, pulling his body upwards. "Hold on a second!" He held the edge of the window with one hand, feeling around the sides of the glass with the other. "Bloody fuck! There's no way to open it from the inside!"

Ron helped Theodore down, sitting on the upside down stacked buckets. "Well this is fantastic! We can't even yell for help! Who's going to hear us when we're deep in the dungeons?!"

Theodore shoved his hands in his black pajama pockets, leaning his back against the wall. "Must you be so loud? Just shut the hell up and wait for Filch! He'll find us eventually."

Ron looked up at Theodore in horror. "That's not till morning! I'm not staying in here with you for hours!" He stood up fast, ripping and pulling hard against the latch.

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