Slytherin Party Part 2

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Everyone gathered in a circle, told to mix themselves up as they got comfortable. Pansy set the enchanted blue bottle in the circle, grinning slyly while she waited for quiet.

"What's the bottle for this time? You still haven't told us!" Terry complained, excited for the second game of the night to begin.

"No kissing this time! I infused the bottle with Veritaserum! It will randomly choose someone, when it does you'll reveal a secret you've kept! No poisoning anyone this time I promise!" Pansy laughed, holding her hands up defensively.

"Oh how positively dishy! I love dark secrets being spilled!" Theodore rubbed his hands together in a mischievous giggle.

"Any rules? Or consequences?" Blaise asked.

"Anyone who doesn't want to spill secrets should leave now! In just a few seconds everyone will be forced to stay in the circle! If you run or remove yourself you'll get a horrendous sting jinx!" Pansy explained, waiting a few moments for anyone to willingly leave.

Harry and Draco stayed, Luna and Hermione stayed put as well.

Terry removed himself, sitting on a nearby arm chair. "I'll watch!"

Blaise scoffed as Millicent removed herself from the circle, but he chose to stay.

Seamus and Ron exchanged quick glances, staying in the circle.

"Alright 10 seconds left, anyone else wanna to leave?!" Pansy looked around, seconds ticking by. "No? Okay! Let the games begin! GO!!!" She summoned the bottle to start.

The bottle spun around and around, slowly starting to lessen. Everyone stared with nervous wide eyes, hoping they would escape the spin of truth!

The bottle slowed to a stop, landing on Pansy first.

Pansy cursed to herself at going first, but the harder she tried to keep her mouth shut, the worse it got. "I stole from Madam Pomfrey last week! I took several potions from her stock room!" She blurted out loudly, clapping both hands over her mouth with a mortified scoff.

Blaise scoffed. "You told me you made those!" He sneered. "Bloody lair!" Theodore shoved Pansy playfully. "I knew those weren't yours!"

The bottle started to spin rapidly, whooshing sounds filling the silence of the room. The bottle slowly stopped, landing on Luna.

Luna took a slow breath. "I regret dumping Neville!" She blushed the second the words left her pale lips, sighing heavily as she stared at her lap.

Neville shot a look at Luna.

"Well that's embarrassing." Luna quietly giggled to herself.

Draco scowled at the look Neville was giving Luna once that secret spilled out, surprised at himself for feeling jealous. Will he want her back? What does it matter to me anyways? He shook the thoughts from his mind, watching the bottle spun round and round.

The bottle slowed, coming to a standstill directly in front of Harry.

Harry bit down on the insides of his cheek, straining to keep himself from saying anything. "I'm showing signs of upcoming Werewolf transformation!" He gasped sharply at his confession, his eyes wide as he looked around at the shocked faces. "Bloody fuck!" He cursed, forcing himself out of the circle which made his body receive the painful stinging jinx.

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