Pain and Mischief

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Draco woke the next morning next to Neville, feeling very conflicted. Harry left early, not wanting to wake Ron after his chocolate mishap, shuddering at the reminder of last night's events. Draco looked at Neville still asleep, wondering how he truly felt. Harry confiscated the love heart candy, contemplating what he'd do with it.

Draco turned on his side, facing Neville. He looked at him, really taking the time to think about this. I love Harry and Seamus but...I can't like Neville can I? He's so awkward and naive and nerdy. He came closer, listening to his breathing.

Neville was awake, pretending to sleep so Draco wouldn't kick him out too soon. He felt him move closer, his heart fluttering strongly.

Draco brought his hand to Neville's forehead, brushing his brunette bangs from his eyes. There must be something wrong with's Neville for Salazar sakes! He sat up, stretching.

Neville opened his eyes as Draco turned slightly, looking at him with a small sigh. He reached out, gently stroking his fingers down his back.

Draco gasped under his breath, turning to see him. "Morning." He lowly spoke, feeling a bit weak.

Neville sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "You tossed and turned a lot last night, you alright?" He asked.

Draco winced suddenly, sweat forming on his brow. "Umm...Neville I'll be right back." He turned to get out of bed, sent backwards on the mattress by a dizzy spell.

Neville became much more focused when he saw Draco start to struggle. "What's happening?" He moved closer, rubbing his hand down his back.

Draco slapped Neville's hand away. "Don't touch!" He snapped, leaning over to grasp his chest. Oh no it's happening again!!! He panicked, unable to move or stand.

"Draco what's going on? You're breaking out in a cold sweat!" Neville rushed out of bed, taking the keys to the bathroom as he ran out the door.

Draco curled up in a ball on the bed, starting to shake as the burning started. "For fuck sakes not now!!!" He groaned, squeezing himself tightly.

Neville came rushing back in, locking the door before coming over. "Draco tell me what's going on now!" He crawled back up on the bed, pulling Draco to his chest.

"Get off me!!!" Draco growled, having no strength to push him off. "Arrggg!!!" He groaned in pain, sweat dripping from the ends of his silver bangs.

Neville recognized this, acting quickly. "Draco you need to sit up, the more you crunch your body the more you'll hurt." He dipped the wash cloth in the hot water he gathered in a small bowl.

Draco flinched as Neville wiped the sweat from his face, leaning his back into his chest. "It hurts!!!" He cried, the pain was worse than last time, the burning spreading to his chest and stomach.

Neville ripped open the buttons of Draco's pajama shirt, moving the material away to wipe the sweat from his torso. "This doesn't look normal." He put his hand to his forehead. "You have a terrible fever." He pressed the washcloth to his head.

Draco gasped loudly as his mouth burned and his throat closed half way. "N-Neville potion box!!!" He stuttered harshly, pointing.

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