Switches and Trust

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Ron went looking for Seamus when he couldn't find him after dinner, coming up empty a few hours later. It was very late, deciding to go back to bed when other students started going back to their houses.

Seamus knew exactly where Ron was, tired of avoiding him. He waited for the perfect moment...

Ron walked down the hall towards Gryffindor Tower, turning a corner.

Seamus hid in an empty classroom, grabbing Ron by the back of his pants.

"Hey! Whoa!!!" Ron was pulled into the classroom with a slam of the door.

"Looking for me???" Seamus smirked wide at Ron's confused face.

Ron scoffed. "Where were you?! I've been searching for hours!"

"I was with Harry in the dorms." Seamus openly admitted.

"How?! I checked already!" Ron squeaked in frustration.

Seamus held his wand up. "Couldn't have found me anyways, silencing charms and whatnot." He shrugged,

"So you avoided me?! And why did you run away from me after we...we had sex and you just left me!" Ron crossed his arms with a scowl.

Seamus sighed. "Yeah you see...that's what I was avoiding." He backed up a few paces, sitting ontop of one of the double desks. "It was awful!" He shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets.

Ron leaned his back against the stone wall, staring blankly. "You didn't like it? But I thought-"

Seamus waved his hands dramatically. "It wasn't you! Okay? It was me! I just didn't like it...like at all! It was bloody awful!"

Ron walked up to Seamus. "So we can never..." He sighed heavily. "We can't do it again?"

Seamus tapped his foot against Ron's thigh. "Never said that...maybe I could..." He hesitated, grabbing Ron by the loop of his pants. "You could let me fuck you?"

Ron gasped at being pulled forward. "Me? Seamus I...I don't know about that."

Seamus frowned. "You wouldn't even want to try? Switch it up, couples do it all the time! So do Harry and Draco."

Ron walked away slightly with his back turned. "I'm not saying I wouldn't but..." He looked over his shoulder. "What if I say no? Can't we try again?"

Seamus thought about it, shuddering violently when he remembered how painful and uncomfortable it was. "I can't Ron...I wouldn't be able to deal with that again."

"Is it because of how big I am?" Ron just came out with it and asked, not wanting to ignore the obvious issue at hand. "Did I suck at it? You need to tell me the truth." He turned around to look at him.

"I told you it's not anything to do with you! Some guys just don't like being the bottom, why is that such an issue???" Seamus asked, curious as to why Ron wouldn't agree.

Ron awkwardly fiddled with his house pin. "I really liked having sex with you, up till now I thought you were just overwhelmed and needed some space but I didn't think you hated it! Now I feel weird that you want me to...bloody hell!" He groaned, rubbing his eyes roughly.

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