Ashwinder Eggs and Underpants

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Classes had finally started up again at Hogwarts, the students dressed in uniform once again for the new year. Teachers ran wild getting their lesson plans and assignments ready for the second half of the term, the Castle was lively and bustling again!

Harry and Draco raced to their second period class, one minute left till they were late. Harry last track of time during their free first period, making out in the library with Draco sure made time fly.

Harry's cane tapped against the floor as they ran, making it harder to keep up.

Draco made it to the door first, racing into the classroom. Harry bumped into his back, walking in after him with an awkward shuffle.

"You are just in time!" Horace Slughorn spoke, coming up to close the door. "Any longer and you would have been locked out! Use your time wisely next time boys!" He walked back to the blackboard, writing some notes for the class with his special green chalk.

Draco and Harry walked down the isle to sit at their assigned seats, unpacking their texts and parchment for the class.

"I told you we would be late." Harry whispered.

"I was a little busy sticking my tongue down your throat." Draco whispered back, squeezing Harry's leg under the table.

Harry blushed. "Yes well...point made." He took his quill and ink out, copying the notes from the board.

Draco started scratching down the notes from the board with his fluffy green feathered quill, his eyes wandering around the room absently.

Harry already knew the subject they were writing about, putting his attention elsewhere. He looked at his friends in their seats, noticing Hermione staring at their table. She's staring at Draco, but why? He looked at him. "Hey!" He poked Draco.

"Hmm?" Draco scribbled on the side of his parchment, lazily looking at Harry.

"Why is Hermione looking at you?" Harry asked, pointing the fluffy end of his quill towards her.

Draco looked at Hermione, raising a brow at her.

Hermione quickly looked back towards the board, pretending to read from her text.

"What's that all about?" Harry nudged Draco's leg with his knee.

Draco sighed. "Did I mention the weird study session I had with her?" He asked quietly, not wanting anyone to hear him.

Harry shook his head. "Why was it weird?"

Draco looked around to make sure nobody was listening or looking, leaning in by Harry's ear. "We hooked up."

Harry looked at Hermione, glaring slightly. "Hooked up?" He looked back to Draco with a frown.

Draco furrowed his brows at the look on Harry's face. "Does that bother you?"

"Boys attention please! Up here now!" Horace Slughorn tapped the piece of chalk loudly against the board.

Harry ripped off half of a parchment page, scribbling on it.

Draco watched Harry, starting to get a little nervous. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Harry folded it up, tapping his wand against the parchment. The folded note turned into a butterfly, flapping silently as it made it's way to Hermione's textbook.

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