Broken Howl

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Harry felt HORRENDOUS, he couldn't remember when he felt this shitty! If this is what every full moon was going to be like...he didn't even want to think about it! What was worse was Draco hadn't come back since yesterday morning...

Harry couldn't get over how devastating it was to separate from Ginny, unable to curb his horrible sadness! He couldn't separate his feelings from his new counterpart...his Wolf.

He could feel him since last night, finally understanding what the voice was, knowing he was a part of him now. Before he knew he was changing it started off as a big mood swing, slowly but surely turning into what felt like another identity. This was incredibly freaky, but somehow Harry felt comforted by him, like he had someone finally protecting his darkened mind...but now he was torturing him!

He felt like he had lost someone! He felt like someone he loved had been ripped from his arms! But that's the weird part, but he didn't love Ginny!...did he?

Knock knock knock tap!!!!

Harry quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks, rushing out his bed to go over and answer the door. I swear if Severus or bloody Remus is on the other side I swear to fucking-oh! It's only Seamus...wait...wait how do I know that?! He quickly opened it, gasping when he was right. "Blimey." He whispered under his breath in shock! Bloody Merlin's left testicle!!! I could smell him...

Seamus gaped at the condition Harry was in, rushing inside before he waited for any argument or questioning.

Harry raised a brow at Seamus's fast movement, turning around to lock the door again. "I'd say good morning should be at breakfast...wait..." he came in further. If he's here then...where's...

Seamus didn't wait for the response to the rest of that, pulling him forward fast!

"Woah!" Harry gasped at the quick movement, softening immediately in Seamus's tight arms that held onto him, hugging him close. He smells really good! Did he always smell like this??? Fuck this is freaky Im starting to smell other things too...

"Harry!" Seamus called out in urgency, grasping his arms around his back.

Harry stumbled back a bit at the power of Seamus's hug. "Erm...I'd say something is wrong isn't it?" He sighed heavily, not able to cope with more stress...

"Harry you're shaking!" Seamus hugged tighter, burying his face into the side of Harry's messy mop of bed head. "I came to see you, check on you." He whispered, kissing his cheek.

Harry let out a breath of relief, reciprocating the hug with his arms gently holding Seamus. "Bloody hell you scared me! Why are you so-"

Seamus kissed Harry, walking him back against the wall. "You've been crying." He muffled against the kisses, threading his hands into his hair to push further into the kiss. "I never want you crying Harry." He deepened the kiss right away, using the only method he had to cheer him up last minute.

Harry felt his eyes threaten to flutter closed against his will. "Uhhh wait!" He pulled Seamus off of him, his eyes wide. "Where the devil is my damn boyfriend?!" He panted, licking the saliva from his bottom lip that was now swollen...

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