Fooling Around

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Harry spent the next few days with Remus, reading up on Werewolves and transformations. Remus wanted to make sure he taught Harry everything he could before the full moon, as Thursday came around there were only a few days left to prepare.

Harry sat on Remus's couch with Draco after a full day of classes, getting all the exams and homework finished for the week, reading a book around wolves and Animagus legends.

Draco had his head in Harry's lap, talking to Remus about after care and how he could help Harry after the full moon was over. "What if all of this is for not? What if he doesn't turn?"

Remus shrugged. "I'm taking him on Monday night with me to the Forbidden Forest, if he doesn't turn he will be able to walk back safely."

Draco looked up at Harry in worry. "Harry how are you taking all of this? Are you sure you want me involved?"

Harry looked down at Draco, leaning in to kiss his lips. "Of course I do, you're my boyfriend I want you to know what's going on." He flashed his ring with a smile.

Draco smiled back warmly, taking Harry's hand to kiss the ring. "Let's hope nothing actually happens, are you excited about the party tomorrow?" He tried to change the subject, seeing the worry on Harry's face.

Harry looked at Remus.

"Oops." Draco covered his mouth with a guilty expression.

Remus sighed. "I didn't hear anything!" He got up. "I want nothing to do with whatever that is about!" He walked out of the room. "I'll be back later I have to go see Minerva." He said, leaving out the front door.

Harry chuckled. "You know that could have gone badly right?" He played with Draco's hair, sticking his tongue out at him.

"Sorry...but it's nice that Lupin isn't like the other teachers." Draco rubbed the back of his head against Harry's lap, smirking up at him.

Harry wiggled slightly. "Not here! We can't do shit in Remus's rooms!" He lightly scolded, tugging Draco's hair in a warning.

"He said he was going out for a while! Common please???" Draco pleaded, pushing his head further against Harry's groin teasingly.

Harry sighed, taking his wand out. "If he catches us, I'm blaming you!" He casted a silencing charm around the room they were in.

Draco moved fast, straddling Harry's hips. "Mine!" He groaned against his lips.

Harry moaned. "With pleasure!" He kissed back immediately, taking a handful of Draco's silver hair, pulling him to deepen the kiss.

Draco smacked Harry's hands away. "No! Hands down." He growled, putting more weight down on Harry as he slipped his tongue inside his mouth.

Harry whined a bit, but he did what Draco said, keeping his hands down at his sides.

Draco loved when Harry gave in to him like this, flicking his tongue against his with a hungry need. "I want to fuck you Harry, I need you so badly." He roughly whispered against his lips, nibbling down his neck.

Harry groaned at the sharp teeth that made marks on his carotid. "Fuck Draco! I don't think that's a good idea!" He protested half-heartedly, unable to really do much about it.

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