Supervision and Cupcakes

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Harry wound up seeking out Sybill Trelawney at the end of the day, starting to feel uneasy about this new feelings of being watched. He needed advice, he needed someone who wouldn't treat him any different just because of his Golden Boy reputation.

Sybill sat at her desk, staring into her lesson plan book, muttering an incoherent tangent she was on.

Harry quietly made his way through her abnormally large classroom, finding her at her desk. "Professor? If I could have a word?" He picked up one of the smaller crystal balls from one of the student tables, playing with it between his fingers.

Sybill nodded, putting her stuff away in the compartments of the desk. "Harry, Harry what has brought you to my classroom? I never see you in here!" She smiled.

Harry smiled back, pulling a chair close to her to sit. "Professor I've had a very strange feeling following me lately...for days now."

"A bad one? Maybe a sign?" Sybill asked curiously, staring intently at Harry.

Harry chuckled nervously. "No it's more like a tense creepy someone is watching me...looking at me."

Sybill looked thoughtful for a long pausing moment, looking to Harry with a newly concerned expression. "Harry does this feeling give you the chills? Or an unpleasant sensation of fear?"

Harry nodded. "I haven't been doing anything out of the normal but...when I go outside or walk close to the windows or any part of the outdoor pathways I feel like someone is...well looking at me."

Sybill snatched the crystal ball from Harry's hands, looking into it. "Is this something you wish to alert the other teachers about? Do you feel like you're in any sort of real danger?"

Harry shook his head. "Not as of right now, I can't honestly say I'm in danger." He shrugged. "But...feeling like I have a pair of eyes stalking me is not the most comfortable thing in the world."

"No of course not!" Sybill gave Harry a comforting pat to the tops of his knees. "Here is what I think you should do." She pulled a small notepad out of her cloak, handing it to Harry.

"What's this?" Harry asked, running his hand down the leather cover.

"That is a magic infused notepad, I want you to write down every time you feel the eyes on you, especially when you feel uneasy or that something is off." Sybill opened the front of it. "Every time you write on this, I will receive the message on this."

Harry saw she pulled out an identical notepad. "So it's like a game of Muggle telephone?"

Sybill furrowed her brow in a confused expression.

"Nevermind." Harry cleared his throat. "But yes I will, thank you I feel a bit better now." He stood to his feet.

Sybill grabbed Harry's wrist. "My boy I will only say this once, but if you ever feel as though you are in real danger or in trouble you MUST tell the Head Mistress immediately."

Harry saw the fright on Sybill's face as she squeezed his wrist, wondering if she knew more than she was saying. "Yes of course I will...everything is fine as of right now."

Sybill slowly let go, snapping out of her little mood. "Should you need me please don't hesitate to ask!" She smiled, turning back to her lesson plan.

Harry let himself out with a wave goodbye, walking down the hallway. He looked at the notepad with a frown, hoping it was all in his head. We just got out of a bad situation...we don't need more problems...

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