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Seamus spent the next few days avoiding Ron, his mind torturing him about the sexual intimacy they shared last week. Every class they had together, Seamus would sit with someone else. The weekend was fast approaching, making him nervous about Ron coming to find him. He needed to talk to Harry, searching for him during Dinner.

Harry was visiting with Luna and the Patil twins, sitting at the Gryffindor table before the food came out. "No I swear I never heard of that!"

"It's the truth Harry! That's why I never let my feet hang off the bed!" Luna shrugged.

Seamus came up to them, interrupting the group exchange. "Hey everyone, mind if I steal Harry away?"

Harry smiled at Seamus.

"Everything alright Seamus?" Luna asked, looking at Harry and back at Seamus with a sweet smile.

"Yes I'm fine, just have things I need to talk about." Seamus tugged Harry to his feet.

"I'll see you guys later, Luna I'll come see you later?" Harry patted Luna's shoulder.

"Yes! I'll see you later Harry!" Luna waved goodbye as they walked away from the table.

Everyone went back to their assigned house tables.

Seamus quickly led Harry out of the Great Hall just as the rest of the students gathered at their house tables.

"Seamus you seem very tense." Harry mentioned as he was pulled up the entrance stairs.

"Something bad happened! Something very bad!" Seamus's anxiety wavered in his voice, walking down the halls as they reached the changing stairs.

Harry never liked when one of his friends had problems, always nervous that something awful would happen again. "Like dangerous bad?" He asked as they went up a few floors. "Or relationship bad?"

"The second one, but it's more complicated then that!" Seamus stopped as they got closer to Gryffindor Tower.

Harry waited for Seamus to say the password to the painting, looking around for any followers or listeners. He slipped inside unseen with him, climbing the stairs up to the 8th years section of the boys dormitories.

"Oh thank Godric!" Seamus let out a big breath he didn't know he was holding, thankful they were alone. "Harry Ron and I had sex!" He yelled a little too loud, pulling Harry inside his closed curtain bed.

Harry got excited. "That's great! Finally lost your V-card! But wait...you said something bad happened what does that mean?"

Seamus peeked out of the curtains, fully closing them. "I'm freaking out Harry!" He took his wand out, using a silencing charm.

"I hate to think this but...did Ron suck at it? Was it awful?" Harry winced at the idea of Ron sloppily trying to fuck someone, shaking the image from his head.

"No! He was fine it's just...I didn't like it!" Seamus remembered back to the event, the reminder of the burning and painful stretching making him dizzy.

"You didn't? How come? I mean...it hurts but-" Harry began to say.

"Harry it really hurt! I felt like I was going to be torn in two!!!" Seamus covered his face in his hands.

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