Slytherin Party Part 3

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Harry surprised both Draco and Remus by wanting to return to the party, Remus kept the secret of the party considering how upset Harry was, letting them go back to Slytherin house. Remus quickly ran to Minerva's office to deliver the news, getting in touch with Severus and Sirius immediately after.

Harry had changed into Slytherin pajamas with Draco, walking towards the Slytherin common room an hour after they had left. "Harry we don't have to go back, I'm sure everyone would understand!" Draco took him by the hand as they stopped before entering inside.

Harry shook his head tiredly. "There's still a good 2 hours left before the party ends, I don't want to miss it!" He urged, deflecting his emotions by distracting himself.

Draco stepped in front of Harry. "Just wait a second, if you go back in there right now you know you'll have to explain to everyone what's going on right? Everyone looked shocked when you said it." He reminded him, not wanting to upset him even further.

Harry nodded sullenly. "I know...but I want to tell them, they're my friends and yours too." He shrugged with a sigh. "It's best to just get everything out and over with so I can get drunk and enjoy my night, or at least what's left of it."

Draco laughed. "Yes alright, let's go then." He took his hand in his again, walking inside the common room entrance.

Harry walked in like nothing happened, rushing to the table to pour a frothy cup of beer in his plastic cup.

Everyone went silent.

Draco groaned in annoyance. "Everyone back to your respected groups and banter! Nothing to see here!" He snapped, walking up to Harry to grab some beer.

Whispering and chatting slowly picked back up, but some of the party guests were a little too curious.

Ron followed Harry to the couch in front of the fireplace. "Harry! Harry wait!" He plopped down next to him, taking a big swig of his beer. "I want to talk to you!"

Harry chugged down half his beer in one large gulp or 2, glaring at Ron suspiciously. "If you yell at me I'll slap that scowl off your face!" He threatened, cheeks heated as he waited for the lecture.

Ron shook his head. "No yelling, maybe I'm a little hurt but...Harry why didn't you tell me about this? You're my best friend!" He frowned.

Harry downed the rest of his beer, scowling at his now empty cup. "Ron I wanted to tell you it's just...I was trying to ignore what was happening, hoping it would go away."

Ron handed Harry his half full cup. "Seamus knew and I bloody didn't!" He pouted, crossing his arms. "I'm not mad, you're still my best mate! I'll do anything I can for you, you ought to know that!" He leaned into him. "Are you really turning? It's for real?"

Harry noticed the room got quiet again, sighing heavily as he chugged Ron's beer. "Okay, everybody listen now if you want to know! I won't be repeating this!" He stood up. "Someone get me a bloody drink!"

Neville raced over to the keg, pouring Harry a full cup of beer, passing it over to him as he came to sit down with everyone else.

Harry took a large swig. "Yes I am turning, no I am not sorry I didn't tell anyone!" He snapped, blushing at the shocked expressions in the crowd of his friends. "Fenrir got on the grounds a while back and he decided to drag me through the snow with his teeth!"

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