Sleepovers and Whiskey

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Draco and Seamus walked back to Draco's private quarters in the very back of the Dungeons, doing their best to forget about the awful night they experienced. Seamus was determined to keep Draco's mind off of the tragic bite wound that Harry received, wanting him to relax till they found out more.

Draco sighed heavily as they returned back to the room, snapping the lock shut as they walked further inside. "Bloody awful night!" He snapped, throwing his wand and keys into the bowl by the door.

Seamus could feel the anger and fear rise up around Draco. "Hey." He came over to him.

Draco softened tremendously as Seamus pulled him into a hug. "Sorry...I just don't know what I'll do if Harry's infected." He pushed his face into his neck.

Seamus ran his hand through the back of Draco's hair. "Let's not think so badly of things just yet, it might just be surface damage."

Draco pulled away, walking over to the closet.

"What? Why did you pull away?" Seamus asked, coming over to Draco.

"I'm just worried you know? With what's going on with me, and now with Harry it seems we won't get the relaxing end to our final year that we wanted." Draco frowned.

Seamus shook his head. "Lets worry about all that tomorrow, right now let's get you comfy."

Draco let Seamus undress him, tired and upset. "You don't need to do that, I can do it myself!" He huffed.

Seamus pulled the clothes over Draco's head, kissing his cheek as he reached down to pull the belt from his pants. "That may be true, but I like undressing you." He winked, pulling the pants down off his hips.

Draco blushed, catching Seamus's lips in a short lived kiss.

Seamus kissed back, lengthening it this time with a needy push forward. "You haven't kissed me in a while, I've missed your lips." He kissed him again, leaning over him.

Draco felt his pants fall off his ankles, leaning his back down on the bed. The curtains moved, being parted by Seamus's wand.

Seamus kissed down Draco's neck, finding his chest soon after.

Draco felt his cock harden at the lips and teeth that teased his nipple, pushing upwards into Seamus's groin. "Pajamas Seamus." He reminded him with a moan, hands squeezing his sides.

"I like you naked like this Draco." Seamus muffled against Draco's skin, kissing down to his stomach. "I get to look and touch every part of you!"

Draco blushed hard at Seamus's face rubbing into the V-line of his abdomen, feeling his chin brush his groin. "Uhh Seamus don't tease me!" He complained, fully hard in his briefs.

"I'll tease you all I want! It's been weeks, I need my Malfoy fix!" Seamus moaned into Draco's crotch, mouthing his lips open around the curves of his erection.

Draco moaned loudly in discontent at the torture, but he couldn't complain too much, he missed Seamus in this way.

Seamus stuck the end of his wand in the elastic of Draco's briefs, vanishing the material that got in his way. "MmMm you're already so hard Draco! So needy!" He kissed up the underside.

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