A Second Chance

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Draco soared through the sky on his broom, flying over the grounds at Hogwarts. He zoomed as fast as his magic would take him, smiling wide with little shouts of excitement. He felt amazing, his magic and strength had come back tenfold. His skin glowed and his hair shined as he zipped through the air at top speed, enjoying the air and freedom to keep living.

Life had given him a second chance.

Draco touched down right outside of Hagrid's hut, shrinking his broom to fit inside his pocket.

Hagrid was outside giving Fang a bath inside a large metal tub. "Draco? Well look at you! You look as fresh as a daisy!" He beamed happily, his cheeks rosey red as he smiled at Draco.

Draco smiled back, feeling better than he had in a long time. "Sorry didn't mean to land near your hut..." He shyly fiddled with his fingers.

"Oh common now, it's nice to go for a ride now and then! Saw you up there! Such speed! Come over here and tell me about your life!" Hagrid patted the grassy patch next to him by the front steps.

Draco came over, sitting next to Hagrid. "Bath time?" He asked, handing him the big soapy yellow sponge.

"Unfortunately! Fang got into one of Pomona's mistletoe plants! Got covered in their waxy berries, getting it out before it causes any poisonous effects!" Hagrid explained, scrubbing Fang's fur vigorously.

"Never liked dogs...the slobber and mess they make, I think if I had an animal or a familiar it would be a cat or maybe a snake." Draco shrugged.

"Don't you have a great big eagle owl?" Hagrid asked.

Draco sighed. "Technically yes he's rather large and...temperamental." He ripped up some grass between his lap. "But that was only because my Father and Mother picked him out." He frowned slightly.

"Now listen here Draco, don't you let your parents ruin a bond between you and an animal!" Hagrid patted Draco's back. "Owls are loyal and strong! Don't let your family make it something negative."

Draco nodded slowly. "Thanks Hagrid." He smiled lightly.

"So! Now that your health has returned what's your next step?" Hagrid asked, picking twigs and leaves from Fang's pelt.

"Well I'm looking forward to finally graduating! After that I suppose I'd want to stay in the field of Potions, the Ministry had even given me some options of employment if I wanted." Draco explained, feeling very humbled that Harry was able to clear his name.

Hagrid smiled. "That sounds like a lovely goal Draco! You've grown up so much the war ended, I'm very proud of ye!"

Draco smiled wide. "You really think so?"

Hagrid fluffed his big hand on the top of Draco's hair. "I definitely do! You've changed tremendously! And in a wonderful way."

Draco frowned.

"What's that look for?" Hagrid asked.

"I've done so many terrible things...they may not have been under my control but...what if I can't look past those regrets?" Draco feared his past would always come back to haunt him.

"Keep yourself around the right people Draco, those new friends of yours have definitely made you better! Harry and his friends will always be there, you should know that!" Hagrid pulled Draco into a tight hug.

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