Instinctual Attraction

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Remus accidentally sent Severus to the secret party Harry and Draco had slipped out, not knowing the party was at Slytherin house. Severus had returned to Hogwarts when he got the news that Harry would be turning, finding the party when he came back early that night.

Remus got up the following morning before the sun came up, taking the Floo to Sirius's cottage. He had the unfortunate task of revealing Harry's upcoming transformation to Sirius, not looking forward to such a heavy reveal.

The other part of his reveal was to tell Sirius that Severus had kissed Harry, hating the anxiety that made his stomach sour.

Remus loved Sirius very much, they had an amazing past and had gone through many milestones together, but Sirius had a very sharp temper. I hope this doesn't end badly...I can't deal with an angry Padfoot this close to turning...

The Floo raged wildly in roaring green flames, Remus stepping inside of Sirius's living room unannounced.

Sirius came running with a toothbrush still stuck in his mouth, wand raised about to strike.

"Padfoot no!" Remus ducked behind the recliner.

"Remuff?!" Sirius gasped, pulling the toothbrush from his mouth to hold his hand over his heart. "I could have hexed you!" He threw the mint covered toothbrush at Remus's chest.

"Didnt mean to alarm you, but I didn't want to do this over a fire call." Remus brushed the Floo dust from his shirt, removing the mess from his chest with a quick cleaning charm.

Sirius narrowed his eyes. "You're not here for pleasantries are you?" His shoulders shrunk down miserably. "Moony I can't take anymore bad news! Things just got back to normal!"

Remus sighed. "Go upstairs and finish getting ready." He turned his back. "I'll go make the tea, still have that mugwort and Chamomile stuff I like?" He asked as he walked away.

Sirius kicked the side of the couch in building frustration. "Yes, second cabinet on the left of the fridge." He grumbled, running back up the stairs to finish his routine.

Remus quickly gathered the water, spelling it to boil within seconds while he rummaged through the millions of boxes. "Too many varieties of bloody tea!" He snapped to himself, throwing boxes behind himself.

Sirius came down a few minutes later fully dressed and dry, wearing fashionable ripped vintage jeans that were dark grey with a matching grey button down. "Moony you better make that tea strong." He came in, raising a curious brow at the scattered boxes of tea all over the place.

Remus glared at Sirius absently, shaking his nerves away. "Sorry...yes I did, I double brewed it already." He pointed to the tea kettle already set up on the platter.

"Testy? I'm usually the one who's grumpy not you, is it the moon? Or the news?" Sirius came up behind Remus, wrapping his arms around his waist fondly.

Remus felt so bad for Sirius, but he wanted to be the one to tell him everything before anything else. "Padfoot...please go sit down on the couch, wait for me there."

Sirius let go slowly, getting nervous at the despondent tone of Remus's voice. "Sure Moony...I'll go wait." He left the kitchen, grabbing his pack of smokes from the counter he left earlier.

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