Girl Power Part 1

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The last day of the weekend was spent with Remus Lupin, memorizing the Wolfsbane potion and going over the rules. Draco felt bad but he hid with Seamus for the rest of the weekend, leaving Harry without much of an explanation. When Harry hadn't heard from Draco, his mind started to wind and turn a little bit too tightly...

P.S the women in Draco's and Harry's lives have had enough! Time for damage control!

Harry knew that Draco had to be with Neville or Seamus, there was only a small chance that he was with Theodore or Pansy. It was Sunday night and he needed to find him, he couldn't do Monday alone. Where are you?!?! Why are you hiding from me?! I swear if you're shagging Seamus I'll stick my firebolt up your pale arse!!!

Draco really did feel bad, but after the little stunt on Saturday morning he felt a bit shy and nervous about Harry's new behavior.

(and noOoOo Draco wasn't somewhere with Seamus, he was in a very troubling situation himself, but we'll get to that later!)

Harry went to Gryffindor Tower, sneaking through the painting when he overheard the password from Ginny, sneaking in behind her. He set his eyes on the staircase to the boys dormitories when suddenly...

Ginny knew Harry was behind her, she was so in tune to his stealth from past years sneaking around, but she humored him and let him get as far as the common room.

Harry gasped as Ginny whipped her body around, jumping on him causing them to both crash to the common room carpet.

"Ginny?!?!" Harry squeaked, looking up in surprise to find her sitting on his hips.

"Why all the sneaking Harry?" Ginny softly spoke, smirking at him which she hadn't done in a very long time. "You shouldn't be here." He stuck her tongue out playfully.

Harry nervously grinned up at Ginny. "Ginny? You can get off me now." He wiggled his hips under her carefully, accidentally swiping his groin past her butt.

Ginny raised a brow at Harry's curious behavior, watching blush stampede over his face all of a sudden. "First tell me what you're doing here." She let all her weight push down as she sat directly on his lap.

Harry stiffened greatly, his overwhelmed body reacting like a horny 13 year old who just touched skin for the first time. "Came to look for Draco!" He gritted through his clenched teeth, begging himself internally to calm down. She's sitting on my dick!!! Why of all people to run into now it's Ginny?!?!

"What would Draco be doing here? Seamus isn't here and neither is Neville, nobody is here actually....everyone is out fooling around or enjoying the night before classes tomorrow." Ginny absently stroked her fingers in odd shapes and lines over Harry's abdomen over his Slytherin graphic T-shirt. "Why don't we go to the Astronomy Tower? I bet the stars are beautiful tonight."

Harry got a flashback to all the moments on the common room couch, or sitting together at the Gryffindor table where Ginny would draw little symbols and shapes from her textbooks, but this wasn't the best moment for that.

"Ginny." Harry warned with great difficulty, not wanting to give away why this was such an issue, at the same time trying to remain calm and polite with her. "Now's not the time for star gazing!" He started to panic, the tips of her fingers adding to his overwhelmed core.

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