Slytherin Party Part 1

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The time had finally come after a long week of tests and projects, Friday was here and Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott were decorating the Slytherin common room with Draco and Harry helping. After the sun went down, all that was left was to wait for everyone to arrive!

Harry finished hanging the shiny green streamers in the corners of the fireplace, fanning himself with a quibbler as he continued to set up the snack table.

Pansy came over with plastic cups and the tap for the beer keg. "Potter you alright? You look a little sweaty!" She cheerfully came over to check on Harry.

Harry shrugged. "I'm fine don't worry, here let me do that." He took the tap, walking over to set it up.

Draco came over to Pansy. "Are you sure Snape is going to be away tonight? Harry and I already had detention with Lupin last night we can't afford another one."

Pansy shook her head. "Theo double checked before we finished dinner, he's away in another part of London on business!"

Draco furrowed his silver brows, looking at Harry talking with Theo across the room. "Does Harry to you?"

Pansy giggled. "Oh he always looks delicious I think! Well I didn't always think that but now..."

Draco scowled, shoving her lightly. "Not what I meant! He's hot! It's cold here how is he sweating???"

Pansy took her wand out. "I'll lower the temperature here a bit, maybe he's just doing too much decorating." She looked around, smiling at how pretty the decor looked, very festive.

Draco had to go steal Theo's green hoodie from upstairs in the dorm.

"Hello? Are we too early?" Hermione's voice sounded from the front hall, Luna coming in behind her with a pretty sequin green outfit for the occasion.

"Mione!" Pansy rushed over, hugging Hermione and Luna.

Harry came over, looking a bit better than before. "Thank you both for coming! Nobody saw you come over right?" He asked, a bit nervous about the secretive theme of the night.

"We silenced ourselves on the way over, no worries Harry." Hermione smiled, kissing Harry's cheek as she walked in with Pansy to find something to drink.

Draco pulled Harry to the side. "Are you feeling okay?" He wiped beads of sweat from his brow with his green handkerchief.

Harry nodded slightly. "It's just a bit hot in here after putting up all the decorations."

"Harry Pansy just made it even colder it's an ice box in here, how are you sweating?" Draco pointed to the borrowed hoodie he was wearing.

Harry raised a concerned brow. "Erm...I'm not sure."

"Nevermind that, look! Seamus and Neville are here." Draco smiled at them both, going over to say hello.

Harry was getting nervous at his sudden heated exterior, remembering what Remus said the previous few days. Oh bullocks this can't be I starting to feel side effects??? Merlin's tit this can't be happening to me...

Seamus and Neville sat down on one of the large couches by the fireplace, waiting for the rest of their friends to arrive.

Theodore blushed when he saw Ron come in through the front with Terry close behind who brought more alcohol, making himself seem busy.

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