Reunions and Curses

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Harry walked Draco down to the infirmary, wanting him to be checked out by Madam Pomfrey. Everyone was celebrating Christmas day, opening presents and enjoying the snow that continued to fall. Draco waited patiently on the bed, letting Poppy check him for injuries.

Poppy stuck a thermometer in Draco's mouth, rubbing a healing salve over his ripped chapped lips. "When did this first start happening?" She asked.

Draco sighed, watching the temperature rise inside the glass. "A few weeks ago when I first came back from St. Mungo's."

Poppy took the thermometer out. "You have a slight fever."

"What could be causing this?" Harry asked Poppy, stroking his hand over Draco's arm in comfort.

"It's unheard of that a Witch or Wizard would suffer multiple spells of the Cruciatus Curse like this." Poppy started saying, rummaging through a box of potions and first aid supplies. "But considering Draco was under the curse for such a long could be a factor."

Draco curled his lip in disgust, thinking of that horrible day. "I thought I was going to die...the pain was excruciating."

Harry hugged Draco's arm, so glad he was alive.

"I have good news...and bad news." Poppy handed Draco a health potion, unscrewing the cap.

"Good news first." Draco requested, downing the potion in one big swig. "Ughhh!!!" He scrunched his face at the terrible taste.

"Sorry that's a strong one! It's necessary to heal your body from the damage." Poppy apologized, taking the empty bottle. "The good news is there's no external damage that I can see, and you'll start taking some pepper up potion every day to help you feel better."

"And the bad news?" Harry asked.

Poppy sighed, looking at Draco. "The bad news is this could go on for quite a while, without knowing why the physical attacks keep happening...I'm not sure how to stop it."

"So I'm stuck with this???" Draco asked, dread washing over his face.

"What I'm afraid of is the attacks becoming more aggressive, more frequent." Poppy pointed her wand up.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, holding Draco's hand.

"Summoning Severus Snape, I need his opinion on this, hopefully he can help make you some potions." Poppy explained.

"What?! No!" Draco protested. "He can't know about this!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy but he's your Godfather, school policy is that a family member or guardian must be alerted to dangerous situations!" Poppy sternly spoke, casting a summoning spell from her wand.

Harry looked at Draco. "She's right Draco, your Mother is in Azkaban so this is the only choice." He leaned into Draco, kissing his cheek.

Draco glared at the floor, hating this situation. He knew he was in trouble, but letting Severus know about this was not on his list of things he was comfortable with.

Moments later the infirmary doors slammed wide open, followed by pointy boots racing across the polished stone floor.

"Severus! That was quick!" Poppy was grateful for the fast travel, standing on the side of the bed.

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