Lies and Greenhouses

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The snow continued to fall the same afternoon during Christmas day, the blizzard worsening with multiple feet of snow. Seamus walked fast towards the great hall as lunch was soon to be served, determined to find Hermione. Severus arrived back from the Ministry, talking with Remus as they sat down to eat.

Hermione sat down at the Ravenclaw table with her classmates, Luna joining her with her special tea and light reading.

Seamus pushed through the crowd of students rushing to their tables, sitting down at the Gryffindor table next to Neville and Dean.

"What's got you so sour faced this morning?" Dean asked, sending kissy lips and winks down the table towards Ginny who say next to Parvati.

Seamus fiddled with his fork, stabbing his lunch with the prongs. "Just found out Hermione has been blackmailing Ron."

Neville furrowed his brow, idly stroking Trevor as he ate a cucumber sandwich, reading a book on deadly herb extracts. "What about? Is it serious???"

"Black mail is never good Nev, silly question!" Dean bit into the side of a pear.

"Hermione told Ron if he didn't leave me and come back to her...she'd tell his Mother and Father he's dating a boy." Seamus frowned as the words came out, having no appetite for lunch, flicking a few peas across the table.

Neville's hand froze in the middle of Trevor's back. "She did whut?" He questioned, in disbelief.

Seamus shook his head. "I'm not sure what to do here, do I confront her? Do nothing and hope Ron doesn't get threatened again?"

Neville shook his head rapidly.

"She's at the Ravenclaw table just there." Dean pointed behind them.

Seamus looked over, seeing her laughing with her friends and Luna. "What do I say?" He looked away, his attention on his friends.

"Just ask for an explanation!" Neville said plainly, wiping his lips in a napkin.

Seamus got up slowly, sighing as he patted down his hair. "Alright I'll go talk to her...find out her side of things."

"Good luck!" Dean yelled over as Seamus left 2 tables across.

Neville's eyes scanned the lunch crowd, looking at everyone who showed up early. His focus faulted when a certain silver haired Slytherin came in, headed to the table. He looks thin...Seamus said there's something going on, I should talk to him...

Draco and Harry passed by as they went over to the Slytherin table, getting whispers from Pansy, Theodore and Blaise.

Seamus walked up to Hermione, tapping her shoulder with his hand.

Hermione turned around. "Seamus hi! Won't you join us for a few minutes? Luna made special tea that she's letting us try, it's a new brew!" She smiled.

"I didn't come for pleasantries Mione I...well I heard distressing news from Ron." Seamus glared slightly.

Hermione's smile dropped straight off her face, looking around for listening ears. "Seamus it's not what you think!"

"Is it not??? Ron said you've been forcing him to date you." Seamus crossed his arms, not caring that a few younger Witches picked up on their conversation, gossiping to the side.

Hermione stood up quickly, flattening her school skirt. "Seamus let's not talk here, let's find a quiet place to talk."

"I think not!" Seamus's voice elevated in irritation. "This whole time I thought Ron dumped me because he wasn't ready, that he got cold feet but I turn around to find he was being blackmailed!" He squeezed his fingers tightly against the cotton of his button down rolled up sleeve's.

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